The Berean Expositor
Volume 53 - Page 23 of 215
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So this sealing and earnest was part of the Acts church that was waiting for the
repentance of Israel and the early return of the Lord Jesus, and this was before the
dispensation of the Mystery (Eph. 3: 9, R.V.) had been revealed through the apostle Paul
in his Roman prison.
Needless to say, those who were sealed in Eph. 1: are those whom the Father had
selected (or elected) "before the foundation of the world", and the doctrine of election
runs through the whole plan of God in the purpose of the ages. Israel were an elect
nation (I Chron. 16: 13; Psa. 105: 6; Isa. 43: 20). The faithful remnant of Israel were
elect too (Rom. 9: 11; 11: 5) and the Body of Christ is also elect (Eph. 1: 3, 4). But let
us not make wrong deductions. In a recent exposition of the Scriptures the author
insisted that as this was so, every one of the elect from Genesis onwards must be in the
Body of Christ!
God has a vast new creation in view, a new heaven and a new earth which is beyond
our comprehension, and He has chosen just where He wants His redeemed children to be
in eternity and He is Sovereign in this. Did not the Lord Jesus picture this figuratively
when He likened the new universe to "the Father's house" which has "many rooms"
(John 14: 2, N.I.V.)? These Christ is now preparing for His children. Yet the general
Christian view is that God has one big "room" in the future where He will lump together
all His children!* [* - Paul was caught away to the third heaven in a vision, so there must be at least
three heavens!]
The newly created "new man" of Eph. 2: 15 is an elect company whom the Father
wills to bless in the heavenly places "far above all". Even now He sees them enthroned
with the exalted Christ there (Eph. 2: 6), a unique sphere of blessing for any of the
redeemed of God (and there are a number of other unique features too). No wonder its
members are exhorted to seek and set their mind on "things above, where Christ is seated
on the right hand of God, and not on the things of earth" (Colossians 3: 1, 2), for this
super-heavenly calling will be their future home in eternity.
Now all this is what the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of believers to see, and gives a
measure of understanding which increases as we receive the Word by faith and ask for
the Spirit of revelation. This is further emphasized in Col. 1: 25-27 which tells us that
God wishes or wills to make this secret known among the Gentiles, "which is Christ
among you (A.V. margin), the hope of glory".  Paul's aim was "to make plain to
everyone the administration (dispensation) of this Mystery (Secret now revealed by
God)" (Eph. 3: 8, 9). Of course he is not claiming to be able to do the Spirit's work of
enlightenment, nor did he believe that everyone then living in the world would see it.
There is no word for "men" as in the A.V. rendering of these verses. The "all" obviously
refers to all whom the Father has chosen (Eph. 1: 4).
Some might imagine that this revealed truth is so wonderful that perhaps only a few
choice people would receive it. But this is not true, for in the practical section of
Ephesians (4: 16) it is clearly taught that the growth of all the Body depends on "the
working in due measure of every part, unto the building up of itself in love" (R.V.). And
this must be true otherwise the Body would be lop-sided. "Every part" means every