The Berean Expositor
Volume 53 - Page 2 of 215
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Dear Fellow-members,
We give thanks that by the grace of God we are able to issue another
volume of The Berean Expositor. During the past two years reprinting
of old bound volumes that have been out of stock for a long time has
continued, and we are now pleased to report that the backlog of missing
volumes has now almost been made up. We shall continue reprinting
until a complete stock of bound volumes is available to our readers.
In addition, a new Index is being prepared for these volumes. As we
wish to make this as comprehensive as possible it will involve a great
deal of time in search and notation. Nevertheless, when ready it will
provide an analysis of Bible exposition which we believe will be of
considerable value to the earnest Bible student.
The level of distribution of the bi-monthly magazine has been
maintained, and has shown a slight increase during the past two years.
We take this opportunity of thanking all friends who have continued to
help us actively, financially, and prayerfully in this work. Without this
valuable help this witness for the "good deposit of truth" could not be
maintained so well for so long. May we carry on as faithfully as we
can to "redeem the time" as long as this age of grace lasts. To Christ be
all the glory.
Yours by His Grace,