The Berean Expositor
Volume 52 - Page 142 of 207
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to the words spoken by Christ but means "the word concerning Christ" and that embraces
the O.T. (Luke 24: 44), as well as the Gospels and the epistles. If the Spirit is to fill us
with the knowledge of His will then it seems very sensible for us to first read and study
the Book which contains His will. As Paul puts it elsewhere:
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2: 15).
It is impossible for the Spirit to fill us with the fullness of God, with the fruits of
righteousness and with the knowledge and acknowledgment of His will if we keep the
Book shut.
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In concluding this study of being filled with the Holy Ghost, it should be pointed out
that there are a variety of other expressions which occur in Scripture. For example:
"receive (lambano) the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2: 38; 8: 15, 17, 19; 10: 47; 19: 2).
"the Holy Ghost fell (epipipto) on them" (Acts 8: 16; 10: 44; 11: 15).
"poured out (ekcheo) the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 10: 45).
"the Holy Ghost came (eitho) on them" (Acts 19: 6).
To these could be added such O.T. expressions as: "the Spirit came upon them"
(Judg. 3: 10; 6: 34; 11: 29; 14: 6); "the Spirit rested on them" (Numb. 11: 25); "the
Spirit began to move" (Judg. 13: 25), as well as "filled with the Spirit" (Exod. 28: 3;
31: 3), and a variety of other expressions. (For example see II Sam. 23: 2;;
Joel 2: 28; Micah 3: 8; Zech. 4: 6). We make no comment on these as often they are
either in the context of being filled with the Spirit or little is said in the text from which
any positive deductions can be made. If any of our readers would like to study "came",
"rested", "fell", "poured out" etcetera then a concordance will help them greatly. Also
Dr. E. W. Bullinger's The Giver and His Gifts, published by Kregel, will answer many
queries concerning the diverse workings of the Holy Spirit.