The Berean Expositor
Volume 52 - Page 119 of 207
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The figure of speech Metonymy, or change of noun, is when one name or noun is used
instead of another, to which it stands in a certain relation. Thus "light' instead of `guilt'
and "perfection" instead of `innocence'.
Some have confused the Urim and Thummim with the precious stones upon the
judicial breastpiece but this cannot be correct as a careful reading of Exod. 28: 15-30
makes clear. Also Leviticus records that Moses put the breastpiece upon Aaron and then,
afterwards, put the Urim and Thummim in the pouch or bag of the breastpiece. However
it is quite possible that they were two precious stones for the word generally translated
`lot' in the Hebrew goral, which means a stone. One of these was drawn out to give
Jehovah's decision on any particular issue.  It was essential when using Urim and
Thummim, that a priest be present and if he was the lot would be cast using the Urim and
Thummim. The allocation of the land by lot was done in this way by "Eleazar the priest,
and Joshua the son of Nun" (Numb. 34: 17). Similarly the Urim and Thummim were
used for the two goats in Lev. 16: 5-10, the battle against Benjamin in Judges 20: 9-28,
the divisions of the priests & singers and the allocation of the gates in I.Chron.24:-26:
Urim and Thummim were used to find the culprit Jonathan as Saul said unto the Lord,
"give a perfect lot" (i.e. give perfections = Thummim). Thus there seems to be much
substance in the view that all lots were cast by Urim and Thummim but there are other
sides to the debate.
In Neh. 7: 65 they had no priest with Urim and Thummim yet lots were cast in
Neh. 10: 34 and 11: 1. Had they acquired such a priest by then? Possibly . . . . . but was
there a priest with Urim and Thummim among the 120 disciples in Acts 1: 15-26? The
context seems to indicate that there was not, and "they gave forth their lots" (verse 26)
adds further weight to the view that, in this case, neither the Urim and Thummim nor the
priesthood were involved. Thus The Companion Bible note on Lev. 16: 9 seems to be
incorrect when it states that except for the Urim and Thummim there was no other means
of taking Jehovah's lot or judgment. However one must never take any writings out of
their context and one wonders if the writer of that note, Dr. E. W. Bullinger, actually
meant that note to embrace the whole of Scripture and every reference to lots or just the
ones mentioned in that note or in the O.T. The following definition from his Critical
Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament shows he thought
that lots could involve other than Urim and Thummim in the N.T.
"Lots:  kleros (probably from klao to break, because twigs and other klasmata
`fragments' were used for the purpose of casting lots).
Thus generally lots were cast using Urim and Thummim but not always and Acts 1: 26
seems to be one of the exceptions. It is indeed significant that there are no instructions
for making the Urim and Thummim in Scripture, neither is there any description of them
nor is there any detail of how they were to be used--and we can appreciate why!
Imagine what would happen in today's society if the Bible contained such information!
Imagine the number of people who would make them and use them! Indeed the casting
of lots was practiced by the Gentiles in Biblical times but the use of such was mere
mimicry. The hand of the Lord was not behind it and quite often the issue for decision