The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 171 of 181
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Let us assume that we are wrong on this point and that such an `interpretation' of the
former rain and latter rain is valid. In that case we ask where is this latter rain to fall?
The answer must be in the same place as the former rain--Jerusalem and the surrounding
countryside. The whole idea of former and latter rain is applicable to that land only and
we cannot escape that fact.  If there were to be such a latter rain fulfillment of
Joel.ii.28,29 it would take place in Palestine and we have to face this fact. Some will
wiggle. Some will wrest the Scriptures (II Pet. 3: 16) and make this latter rain apply to
anywhere in the world but this just cannot be. However . . . . .
Let us assume that we can allow this `interpretation' of latter and allow it to fall
anywhere and everywhere in the world. In that case we would ask when is this latter rain
to fall? This question shows that views such as Mrs. McPherson's are at great odds with
the Bible. From our study of Joel 2: 21-27 we have seen that all the events described
there, including the restoration of the literal latter rain, take place after the northerner of
Joel 2: 20 has been destroyed and that takes place on the return of Christ.
Thus the latter rain is literal rain which is to fall on the land of Palestine after the
return of Christ. It is not a second outpouring of the Spirit anywhere in the world
sometime before His Second Coming.
Returning to our deliberations as to whether or not Joel's prophecy is a "two-half"
prophecy or one subject to a "double" fulfillment; to help us in our search we should
consult other parts of the Scripture. Joel 2: 30-31 deals with "wonders in heaven and in
the earth, blood, fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the
moon into blood". Thus if we consider other parts of the Scripture which contain
references to these events and search the context we will be able to see if there is any
mention of the outpouring of the Spirit or of miracles similar to those of the Acts period.
Initially we shall look to see if such an outpouring or miracles take place before the
Lord's return. Mrs. McPherson's views may be justified from other Scriptures.
Matthew 24: 29, 30 has wonders and signs in heaven and verse 7 has signs on the
earth (famine, pestilence, earthquakes). However we search the whole chapter in vain
looking for any outpouring of the Spirit and there is no mention of any miracles from
God. We do note the many references to `deceit' or `deceive' (verses 4, 5, 11 and 24).
There are also references to false prophets and false Christs (verses 11 and 24) and these
shall deceive by using "great signs and wonders". Thus the only miracles mentioned here
prior to our Lord's return are miracles of deceit!
Mark 13: is very similar. Again there are signs in heaven and earth, false Christs and
false prophets showing "signs and wonders to seduce" (Mark 13: 22).
Luke 21: is different. There are signs in heaven (verses 25 and 27) and on the earth
(verse 11) but there is no mention of miracles from God.
What about Revelation? This is the book that has many references to the phenomena
we are considering. Rev. 6: 12, 13 has signs in heaven and earth but we again search