The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 168 of 181
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Before we consider Joel 3: 17-21 we must devote the next two facing pages to a
detailed structure to Joel's Prophecy.
Joel. 3: 17-21.  Having given this longest section on the removal of evil, Joel now
returns to the good which is to be bestowed. Verses 17 and 18 describe a peaceful,
agricultural paradise and here again is the start of the Millennium. The Lord is dwelling
in Zion, Jerusalem, which shall be holy and "never shall aliens invade her again"
(Moffatt). This is better than "no strangers pass through her again".
Waters and fountains in Joel 3: 18 are also mentioned in Zech 14: 8 but the
passage which deals with much in detail is Ezek 47: 1-12. Verse 19 again mentions
the removal of evil with reference to Egypt and Edom, two past enemies of the people of
Israel, and to the wrongs which they committed, but Joel's conclusion is . . . . .
"Judah will be inhabited for ever
and Jerusalem through all generations
Their blood guilt, which I have not pardoned,
I will pardon" (Joel 3: 21, N.I.V.).
"They shall all know, from the least of them unto
the greatest of them, saith the Lord.
For I will forgive their iniquity,
and I will remember their sin no more" (Jer. 31: 34, A.V.).
Thus the millennial kingdom is set up. Thus:
"The Lord dwelleth in Zion" (Joel 3: 21).