The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 153 of 181
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has in mind, once again, the Day of the Lord.
Matt. 24: 15-22 helpfully describes
some of the problems of that time.
"Sanctify a fast", verse 15; "sanctify the congregation", verse 16 are both open to
misunderstanding.  Like the word "holy" the word "sanctify" is often incorrectly
understood. In fact these two words are closely connected. Holy is kodesh and to
sanctify is kadesh. Holy means set apart for God and to sanctify means to set aside for
sacred purposes, that is to consecrate. Exod. 19: 10, 22 is helpful where we can see it
means to make ceremonially clean with respect to the law and this, perhaps, is its most
common usage in the O.T.
Joel 2: 17. The priests and ministers of the Lord are told to "weep between the porch
and the altar". We include a little sketch of the Temple to show where this would be:
These priests are told not only to weep but also to pray and they are told what to pray:
"Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen
should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their
"Thine heritage" (A.V.), "Your inheritance" (N.I.V.) is a reference to the people of
Israel (Deut. 32: 9) and the great concern is that "the heathen should rule over them".
In most translations this is replaced by the expression "a byword among the nations"
(J.N.D.; N.I.V.; Moffatt; R.S.V.) and a byword is a proverb about a place or a person
which is taken as a type usually for something bad.
"Do not make your inheritance . . . . . a byword among the nations" (N.I.V.).
So there is the call to blow the trumpets and the priests are called to weep and pray
because Joel is concerned about the nations mocking Israel and doubting the existence of
their God. "Why should the nations sneer Where is their God?" is Moffatt's effective
Joel 2: 18 - 3: 21.
Well, what are to be the consequences of such a sneer? We live in the dispensation of
the fullness of God's grace and nowadays many sneer at our gracious God but at this
future time, during this Day of the Lord, when Israel's very existence is threatened and
God's promises to them are in jeopardy . . . . . what will He do?
"Then will the Lord be jealous for His land, and pity His people" (Joel 2: 18).