The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 89 of 181
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Here again, we see that the miracles were a witness.
Similarly, when He met
opposition, He said:
"If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not. But if I do, though ye believe not
Me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in
Him" (John 10: 37, 38).
Sadly, however, the majority would not "believe the works". They would not accept
the signs as a witness or testimony that He was the One.
"Then He began to upbraid the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done,
because they repented not" (Matt. 11: 20).
Others were more than glad to accept the benefit of the signs but not the consequences.
"Verily, verily I say unto you, ye seek Me not because ye saw the miracles, but
because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled" (John 6: 26).
We may well be puzzled as to why the Jews did not accept the evidential miracles
performed by the Lord Jesus Christ as a testimony to His Messiahship. The prophets had
foretold what He would do and, after all, He did perform so many miracles. For example,
in Matthew's Gospel alone we read of the following miracles:
Centurion's servant healed
8: 5-13
The leper cleansed
8: 2-4
The storm stilled
8: 23-27
Peter's mother-in-law cured
8: 14, 15
Paralytic cured
9: 2-7
Demonics cured in Gergesenes
8: 28-34
Issue of blood cured
9: 20-22
Ruler's daughter raised
9: 18-20
Dumb spirit cast out
9: 32, 33
Two blind men cured
9: 27-31
Blind and demonics cured
12: 22
Withered hand cured
12: 10-13
Five thousand fed
14: 15-21
Many healed
14: 14
Many made perfectly whole
14: 36
Walking on the sea
14: 22-33
Many healed
15: 29, 30
Woman of Canaan cured
15: 21-28
Lunatic boy cured
17: 14-21
Four thousand fed
15: 31-39
Blind and lame cured
21: 14
The ass and colt
21: 1-7
The resurrection
27: 52-28: 8
Fig tree withered
21: 18-22
There are, at least, another two miracles in Mark's gospel, not mentioned in Matthew:
7: 31-37
Deaf and dumb man cured
8: 22-26
Blind man cured
And there are, at least, another six in Luke, not recorded in either Matthew or Mark:
5: 1-11
Draught of fishes
7: 11-17
Widow's son raised
13: 11-17
Woman loosed from infirmity
14: 1-6
Dropsy cured
17: 11-19
Ten lepers cleansed
22: 50, 51
Malchus' ear healed
John records just eight miracles, or signs as he calls them, and six of these are unique
to his gospel:
2: 1-11
Water into wine
4: 46-54
Healing the ruler's son
5: 1-9
Healing the impotent man
9: 1-7
Healing the man born blind
11: 38-44
Raising of Lazarus
21: 1-14
Draught of 153 fishes