The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 77 of 181
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10: 11
10: 3
10: 46
10: 19
Instructions from the Holy Spirit
Angelic ministry
12: 7, 8
11: 28
13: 11
12: 23
Angelic judgment
14: 19, 20
14: 10
Casting out demons
16: 18
16: 9
Tongues and prophecy
19: 6
16: 26
Physical wonders
19: 12
19: 11
Special miracles!
Raising the dead
20: 10
19: 12
Casting out demons
Divine visitation
23: 11
21: 10, 11
Divine protection
27: 24
27: 23, 24
Angelic ministry
28: 8, 9
28: 5
Divine protection
Now this list of over 45 miracles is not exhaustive but it is more than sufficient to
show the wide variety of miracles recorded in the book of Acts. However, to the above
we must add such general statements as:
"Many wonders and miracles were done by the apostles" (2: 43).
"By the hands of the apostles were many miracles, signs and wonders wrought among
the people" (5: 12).
"And Stephen, full of grace and power, wrought great wonders and signs among the
people" (6: 8, A.S.5:).
"The Lord . . . . . granted signs and wonders to be done by their (Paul and Barnabas)
hands" (14: 3).
"Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul,
declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them"
(15: 12).
Having seen the above list of over 45 mighty miracles we may be perplexed over what
would constitute the "great wonders and signs" of Stephen (Acts 6: 8), or the "special
miracles" of Paul (Acts 19: 11)! However, in the 28 chapters of the book of Acts there
are well over 30 references to wonders, signs and displays of power. Also we have been
able to list over 45 references to specific miracles and a further 5 general references have
been given--and no doubt we have missed some! So--miracles, miracles, everywhere!
Why were there so many? To answer that question we need to locate the Acts of the
Apostles in its context in the great plan of God. However, we should just note that teras,
wonder, which occurs 16 times in the N.T., including 9 in Acts does not occur once in
those seven epistles written after  Acts 28: 28  (viz., Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, I and II Timothy, Titus, Philemon). The word semeion, sign, with 77
occurrences in the N.T. including 13 in Acts, again does not occur once in those seven
epistles written after Acts 28: 28.  The word dunamis, power, however does. It
comes 119 times in the N.T. and 11 of them fall in the post Acts epistles. The references
are as follows: Eph. 1: 19, 21; 3: 7, 16, 20; Phil. 3: 10; Col. 1: 11, 29; II Tim. 1: 7, 8;
3: 5. We would recommend our readers to look up each of these and note that in none
of the contexts is there any hint of evidential miracles, signs and wonders or the displays
of power as seen in the Acts of the Apostles.