The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 66 of 181
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man looking back to an experience in the past, and he has been brought back "from
corruption", or the pit or grace. This is in full accord with the words of the Lord Jesus
Christ in Matt. 12: 40,
"For as Jonas as three days and nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be
three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
For just as, in the same way as Jonah was in the belly of the fish: in this manner, in
this way the Son of man shall be in the heart of the earth. If Jonah was not three days and
three nights dead in the bowels of the sea creature, he was no type of what was to happen
to the Lord.
For our purpose in this article there are two points in the prayer of particular interest.
"Then I said, I am cast out of Thy sight": Jonah was quite prepared to flee from the
presence of the Lord, but it was quite a different matter when he thought Jehovah had
cast him off! But he continued "Yet will I look again toward Thy holy temple", and in
the context of Solomon's prayer this strongly suggests repentance on the part of the
prophet. Verse 8 would indicate that he had learned his lesson: "They that observe lying
vanities forsake their own mercy". This perhaps becomes clearer if put thus: "They that
regard idols do not heed their chastisement". Jonah reverenced Jehovah, and so gave
heed to the chastisement he had undergone.
Now, when the word of the Lord came the second time, Jonah obeyed; perhaps not
whole-heartedly, for he made no call to repentance, and when Nineveh did repent he was
clearly displeased with the result of his message. He was an unwilling man whom God
called, yet he became a type of Christ. Nothing and nobody can or will frustrate the will
of God, not even for what we may consider to be the best of reasons. How much
unnecessary trouble and suffering Jonah brought upon himself as he rather reluctantly
fulfilled his calling.
Joseph the Carpenter.
pp. 21 - 24
Such scant attention is paid to Joseph normally, that some may wonder why he should
be the subject of this study. Yet it may be there is more said concerning him than we
sometimes think, and, indeed, his role is as important as any "man God called".
The historical background to his story is of particular importance, for it was a time of
very great Messianic expectation. The reasons for this are twofold: on the one hand the
Jews' religion was as pure as it had even been, and on the other and contributing to the
former, their land was occupied by the Roman conquerors. Yet the very desire for purity
in religion had resulted in a dead formality. The Pharisees, the leaders in seeking purity,
had become over sensitive and exaggerated comparatively unimportant details, yet at the