The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 9 of 181
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the strain is enormous and many are caught up in what is called the "rat race". How do
these conditions affect us? What is our attitude of mind? When the businessman goes
home, does he take his worries with him? If we have an hour to spare in the evening, can
we relax, or are we still troubled by the strains of this life? It may be easy to advise the
troubled to "Be still" and relax. But how can the anxious mind be set at rest?
The Hebrew word translated "Be still" is only translated once in this way. There are
at least 20 occurrences of this word, and it is rendered cease, fail, forsake, let alone,
let go, stay, etc. The basic meaning is to "let go". The translation "Be still and know
that I am God" reads much better than "Let go and know that I am God". Yet, as we
meditate upon it, we can see that the rendering "let go" is a valuable aid to our
understanding. We carry our troubles always, and we do not let them go. How can we
relax if we do not let our troubles go? Psa. 55: 22 reads "Cast thy burden upon the Lord
and He shall sustain thee . . . . .". But if we cast our burdens on the Lord and then pick
them up again or fail to let go, are we relieved of our burdens? To cast our burdens on
the Lord means that we must let them go. And if we let go, then we become "still" and
know that the Lord of hosts is with us. We enter the refuge.
Certainly there is a need to "hold fast" and to be steadfast in the things of God. But
we need to let go those things concerning this world which constitute a burden.
We need to rightly divide, to distinguish between those things which we should hold
firmly and those things which we should hold very loosely, things which we should let go
when we need to relax.
When we wish to relax, and "let go" may we remind ourselves of Phil. 4: 6, 7:
"Be careful for nothing;  but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which
passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Yes, that peace will help us to "let go" and relax. Then shall we "Be still and know,
that I am God".
So then, let us learn to set our affection on things above, not on things on the earth
(Col. 3: 2).