The Berean Expositor
Volume 50 - Page 148 of 185
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It is this spirit that alone can stem the tide that leads to apostasy; any other attitude is
of itself an incipient `departure'.
Quoting from a letter recently received, the writer says it is impossible to introduce the
truth of the Mystery without giving offence as it is to preach the cross and avoid its
`offence' and all attempts so to do are foredoomed. The attitude of The Berean Expositor
from its first year of publication is that of uncompromising witness to the full truth of the
Mystery, and a readiness by grace to take the consequences.
The Form of Sound Words (II Tim. 1: 13).
pp. 131 - 135
Taking the epistle to the Ephesians as the first epistle of this dispensation and the
second epistle to Timothy as the last, we find that the opening exhortation is to keep the
unity of the spirit, and the closing example is that of the Apostle at the end of his course
who could say "I have kept the faith" (II Tim. 4: 7).
We now turn our attention to another Greek word and the exhortation which it is
employed to give, namely the word phulasso, translated `keep' in II Tim. 1: 12 and 14.
Before examining this passage, we observe that phulasso can be used of keeping sheep,
keeping the law, and being kept from falling, but we also note that phulake is translated
`prison' some 36 times, so we are not surprised to see that while phulasso can be used of
keeping sheep, or commandments, it is used of `the strong man armed' who keeps his
house, of four quarternions of soldiers who kept ward over Peter; of Paul being kept by a
soldier in Acts 28: 16; or that the same word that is rendered `keep' in II Tim. 1: 12,
14, is translated `beware' (II Tim. 4: 15), `watch' (Mark 6: 48), & `ward' (Acts 12: 10).
Sleepless vigilance is implied in this idea of `keeping' that we are now about to consider.
Let us turn to the second epistle to Timothy and acquaint ourselves with both the
Apostle's example and his exhortation to his son in the faith. The passage, II.Tim.i.12-14
is a complete section, and the following structure reveals its scope:
A | 12. He is able to guard.
B | 12. The deposit.
C | 13. Have a form of sound words.
A | 14. Do thou guard.
B | 14. The good deposit.
We will leave the examination of `the form of sound words' until later, and
concentrate our attention on that which was the object of such watchful care "the
deposit". The reader of the Authorized Version will look in vain for the word `deposit' in
either verse 12 or 14, and as this is a matter of great importance we must give it our
immediate attention.