The Berean Expositor
Volume 50 - Page 36 of 185
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Psalms 37: and 46:
pp. 161 - 166
Psalm 37:
Psalm 37: is a precious Psalm containing much truth which is for all time. This is
an acrostic Psalm of which there are nine in the original text. Some are complete and
some are not, using only a portion of the Hebrew alphabet. In the case of Psa. 37:,
we have a perfect acrostic. This device was probably used as an aid to memory, for
doubtless many psalms were memorized and treasured in the mind. In the first nine
verses we have a series of words advising us in our daily walk. Fret not (verses 7 and 8),
trust (3), delight (4), commit (5), rest (7), and wait patiently (7).
The problem in the first verse is echoed in Psa. 49: and 73: dealing with the
prosperity of the wicked. It is often difficult to understand why ungodly and unbelieving
persons get on so well in this life with the minimum of trouble, while the believer seems
to be compassed with problems and difficulties. But it is the end that shows up the utter
difference between the two classes. The end of the wicked is destruction; the end of the
righteous is peace and eternal security. At that time, what has happened in this life is
irrelevant. With this in mind, there is no need whatsoever to be envious of the workers of
iniquity (Psa. 37: 1). Their prosperity is so short lived compared with eternity.
"They shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb" (verse 2). The
positive antidote to all this is to trust in the Lord (3). The word "fret" literally means to
be warmed. How easy it is to get "hot and bothered" rather than to experience "the peace
of God that passes understanding".
The writer, who was David, goes further, and reminds us not only of the need to fully
trust the Lord, but to delight ourselves in Him (verse 4) and so for Him to be the ground
of lasting pleasure. It may be that many place their faith in the Lord, but how few seem
to exhibit real joy and pleasure in Him and all His fulness! Too often the believer's
pleasures are found only in earthly things which perish with the using. The delight which
is in the Lord will result in our desires being granted by Him (4). Now of course this
does not mean that we can ask the Lord for anything we choose, for some of these things
may be against His will for us. But if our minds find their supreme delight in Him, shall
we, in this frame of mind, ask for things which are contrary to His Word? Surely not.
The fifth verse enjoins us to commit our way unto the Lord. The word translated
commit means `to rest upon'. Moffatt's version here is suggestive:
"Leave all to Him. Rely on Him and He will see to it."
One thing is absolutely certain, the believer's way, left in the Lord's hands, is
absolutely safe and sure.