The Berean Expositor
Volume 50 - Page 34 of 185
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transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"
(Phil. 4: 6, 7 N.I.V.). The wonderful thing is that the Lord in His great love, constantly
offers to carry our burdens for us. Let us then hand them over to Him and in no way take
them back again. We surely "shall not want" if we do this and will experience what the
Psalmist goes on to say "He makes me to lie down in choice (green) pastures, He leadeth
me beside the waters of rest or peace (still waters)".
It follows that these paths are right paths (verses 3), the heavenly shepherd can make
no mistake. "He led them forth by the right way" declares Psa. 107: 7 and although in
Israel's experience this was sometimes puzzling and testing, yet they proved in the end
that God knew what He was doing and His way was best. This is always true for the
child of God. Our lives may sometimes appear to be a tangle with much that is baffling.
Yet as we get older we can begin to see a pattern that the Lord Himself is weaving as He
leads us along His own way. Our great danger is to refuse to walk in those paths and then
all the peace and assurance and joy disappear. At the same time, because we are going
through the enemy's territory so to speak, the external may be difficult and dark; the
valley of the shadow of death may be gruesome reality, but He is ever with us (verse 4).
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee", He has promised (Heb. 13: 5), so why fear?
"Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me". The eastern shepherd always carried two things,
the club (rod) and the crook (staff). The club was for the sheep's enemies and the crook
for help and guidance of the sheep. So the Lord safely and gently leads His people
according to His will for each one.
Not only this, but we are so safe with the Lord constantly overshadowing us, that even
if surrounded by enemies, we can enjoy a feast without any fear! Moffatt's translation of
verse 5 is suggestive:
"Thou art my Host, spreading a feast for me, while my foes have to look on!".
What a glorious position and all because we are absolutely safe in His keeping! The
psalmist goes on to speak of the soothing anointing oil and overfull `cup' that quenches
all thirst and `runs over'. Such is the generous giving and provision of the Lord in the
pilgrim pathway. There can be only one conclusion:
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell
in the house of the Lord for ever" (Psa. 23: 6).
For David, the house of the Lord was the Temple on earth. For the member of the
Body the eternal dwelling place for Christ will be the completed Body, then merging into
the heavenly Temple or holy of holies in the heavenlies "far above all" which God is now
preparing as His home for ever (Eph. 2: 20-22).
It is noteworthy in Psa. 23:, short though it is, that a number of the compound
Jehovah titles are illustrated. These wonderful titles of God add another word by way of
attribute to the great name of Jehovah.  Jehovah-Rohi is the Lord my shepherd.
Jehovah-Jireh (Gen. 22: 14) is seen providing my needs (verse 1). Jehovah-Shalom,
Jehovah my peace ( leads beside the still (peaceful) waters. Jehovah-Ropheka,
the Lord that heals (Exod. 15: 26) restores my soul. Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord is there