The Berean Expositor
Volume 50 - Page 6 of 185
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SOTTISH.  Up to the 17th century a `sot' was a foolish person and then the word
`besotted' became restricted to drunkards. "Sottish" occurs once in our old English
translation, "For My people is foolish, they have not known Me;  they are sottish
children: they have none understanding" (Jer. 4: 22). "Stupid" would be the modern
equivalent here.
STILL. The old sense of this word meant continually, constantly. In Psa. 84: 4
we read "Blessed are they who dwell in Thy house; they will be still praising Thee"
meaning "they will be ever singing Thy praise". May this constant attitude of praise and
thanksgiving be ours!
STOMACHER.  This old word means an ornamental covering for the chest which
was worn by women under the bodice. The word in the original means a rich rope, so its
one occurrence in Isa. 3: 24 should read ". . . . . instead of a rich rope, a girding of
STRAIN AT.  "Strain at a gnat" (Matt. 23: 24) does not represent what the Greek
actually says, which should read "strain out a gnat", and was thus correctly rendered by
Tyndale and all the other sixteenth century versions. There is the possibility that this
"strain at" was a printer's error which was never corrected. This was the opinion of
Bishop Lightfoot and Archbishop French (Trench). If this was not true, it is difficult to
see how the A.V. translators made this mistake. "Strain out a gnat" is correct and
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STRAWED.  This is the past tense of the obsolete verb `straw', which means the
same as `strew'. We read in Exod. 32: 20 that Moses burnt the golden calf which
Aaron had made, "and ground it to powder and strawed it upon the water, and made the
children of Israel drink it". II Chron. 34: 4 tells us that king Josiah "brake in pieces"
the images Israel had been worshipping "and made dust of them and strowed it upon the
graves of them that had sacrificed unto them".  In Matt. 21: 8 we read of those who
cut down branches of trees and "strawed them in the way" of the Lord Jesus as He came
to Jerusalem. In Matt. 25: 24-26 a different word is used in the Greek and means "to
winnow": ". . . . . An hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where
thou hast not strawed". The last phrase should read "gathering where you did not