The Berean Expositor
Volume 48 - Page 170 of 181
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The Will of God
The Worthy Walk---Ephesians.
pp. 10 - 16
As we consider the worthy walk as an expression of the Will of God for the member
of Christ's Body, let us turn to Paul's epistle to the Ephesians.
In the prayer at the commencement of this letter (1: 17-23), Paul makes clear that this
calling is none other than the calling of Christ Himself: "that ye may know what is the
hope of His calling" (18). Thus it is a calling almost beyond comprehension: how can
we understand the full significance of "His calling"? Perhaps it can be summed up in
words which Paul uses elsewhere: `that God may be all in all' (I Cor. 15: 28). Hence it
is necessary for the believer to come to the point where he recognizes in practice that in
the new man "Christ is all, and in all" (Col. 3: 11). But as we consider the walk which is
counted `worthy' in Ephesians we find that in contrast to the tremendous heights `far
above all' at the commencement of the epistle, the later `practical' section brings us very
much `down to earth'.
It is in the first verse of chapter 4: that Paul says `I therefore, the prisoner of the
Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called'. The
word he uses for `worthy' has the significance, when used of price, of `equal value': our
walk should `balance with' or `equate with' His calling. Here is a tremendous thought!
We may well ask `who is sufficient for these things?' It is, then, not surprising to find
that we are to walk `with all lowliness', or better, `with humility of mind'. For our walk
to equate with His walk we must "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus"
(Phil. 2: 5), and this exhortation is in the context of `lowliness of mind' (verse 3). In both
instances Paul uses exactly the same word. It is with the disposition of the mind that the
worthy walk begins. Christ `being in the form of God', was called to walk with such
humility of mind that `even the death of the cross' was not beneath His dignity. The
`lowliness' this calling demands of us should equate with this. But `meekness, with
longsuffering' is also called for: `gentleness, with patience (or endurance)'. These
qualities are required for `forbearing one another in love'. So often it is when we are not
lowly in mind we are impatient with others, but realizing there are aspects of our own
character others may find a trial, we are gentle with them and prepared to `put up with'
them `in love'. Clearly this love is something far greater, and different from, much that
passes for `love' in our day: this love is not dependent on feelings, nor does it seek
gratification, it is a self-giving concern such as that manifested by the Lord when He
became obedient unto death, and that the death of the cross. The whole of verse 2 might
well be summed up "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus".
Arising directly from this in the worthy walk is the endeavour `to keep the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace'. The word for `endeavouring' is precisely the one Paul uses
in II Tim. 2: 15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God". Perhaps here a better
translation would be `give diligence to keep the unity'. How careful we ought to be, both