The Berean Expositor
Volume 48 - Page 139 of 181
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regarding Christ. Doubt is really unbelief, and unbelief is the one sin that cuts a person
off from God (Heb. 11: 6; I John 5: 10-12).  It is therefore in Satan's interest to keep
man in a perpetual state of unbelief. In contrast the holy Scripture, the written Word of
God, reveals the living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ Who can meet every problem and
need of man. He has given Himself and therefore given His all for him and because of
this is utterly worthy of man's faith and confidence.
As Timothy had known the holy Scriptures from his earliest days and evidently
believed them, there was no need for the sudden `right about turn' that was necessary for
Christ-opposing Saul of Tarsus. In the O.T. Scriptures Christ is portrayed by type and
shadow, all being prophetic of the One Who was to be the Saviour of mankind. Old
Testament believers therefore looked forward to Him by faith as we today look back with
that same faith. We will consider the supremely important words Paul gave concerning
the inspiration of the Scriptures in our next study.
3: 16.
pp. 181 - 186
In the context of this epistle which we are studying, we have seen that in
II Tim. 3: 14-17 the Apostle Paul, in order to combat the evil effect of the false teachers
and degenerates, now refers Timothy to the written Word of God as the antidote.
He assures him that all of it is inspired by God and fully sufficient to equip the man of
God for all his needs. This most important passage needs careful attention, for it is
dealing with one of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. First of all, we must be
careful with the word `inspired' and not import into it modern ideas. Men can look at a
work of art or listen to a symphony written by one of the great masters and call these
`inspired', that is to say, they are of superb quality. But Paul does not use the word
`inspiration' in this way. The word theopneustos, is very rare, being found only three
times in secular literature up to this period. It means "God-breathed", literally, and puts
the Scriptures in a class by themselves as does the adjective `holy' in the previous verse.
The `holy letters', hiera grammata, and the God-breathed `scripture' (graphe) are one
and the same, and of all the millions of books written by men, not one can truthfully be
said to have the imprimatur of Deity on it and so be described as `holy', which is God's
prerogative alone.
Much controversy has raged concerning the proper translation of the opening words of
verse 16. The R.V. reads "Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable" etc. and
puts in the margin as an alternative, "Every Scripture is inspired of God, and profitable".
The modernist, and all who reject the plenary inspiration of Scripture, find that by pulling
verse 16 of the R.V. out of its context, they have a basis for teaching that only the
inspired parts of the Bible are profitable, assuming this context allows that some parts are
not inspired. But to be fair to the Revisers, we have seen that the `sacred writings' of the