The Berean Expositor
Volume 48 - Page 95 of 181
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through Christ as the one and only Way to God (John 10: 1-9; 14: 6), the great
Intermediary on our behalf.
It is only because He is the only Mediator, that He can become the all-needed Ransom
for men. In Matt. 20: 28 the Lord asserts that He came to give His life, a ransom for
many (lutron anti pollon).  But Paul uses here antilutron, a very rare word which
indicates something more than this. It signifies a counter ransom price and draws our
attention to the infinitude of the Offering. As E. K. Simpson so aptly expresses it: "Of
priceless jewels we say they are worth a `king's ransom'; but Christ crucified presents
the ransom of the King of kings, a Sacrifice intrinsically illimitable, outweighing
everything that can be placed in the counter scale".
Spurgeon once said: "in Christ's finished work I see an ocean of merit; my plummet
finds no bottom, my eye discovers no shore". This transcendent sacrifice for sin is the
basis on which freedom may be granted to all. Yet not all enjoy that freedom. The
ransom has infinite value, but the benefits require the appropriation of individual faith in
Christ. God does not force His supreme benefits on men. Man must have a real sense of
need, and as he is not a machine, but a moral creature with the power of choice, he must
decide whether this priceless treasure is to be his own possession or not.
Now is the time, or season, the Apostle asserts, for the proclamation of this glorious
truth far and wide. Once again we see the emphasis on the right time for the revelation of
truth. God is never too early or too late and the careful student of the Word of God will
never spoil the revelation of God by ignoring these divine time-periods.
2: 8 - 3: 1.
pp. 141 - 145
The context of this epistle which we were studying in the last article, makes known
the great doctrine of the One Mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus. He Who was
declared to be God (John 1: 1), `became flesh' (John 1: 14) taking upon Himself a human
body which could be offered in death as the unique sacrifice for sin. Paul declares that in
his ministry, the right time had come to make this known (I Tim. 2: 7) and he makes a
solemn assertion that, in stating this, he is not lying. The critics of this epistle find a
difficulty here that the Apostle needed to make such a statement to a loyal believer like
Timothy who knew him so well. But Paul is looking wider with his opposers in view,
who constantly sought to undermine his apostleship. Note the stress on his Gentile
mission. He was pre-eminently the Apostle of the Gentiles, the human mouthpiece of
Christ to the Gentile world in this age of grace. And not only this, but he was the
prisoner of Christ Jesus for us Gentiles (Eph. 3: 1). It does seem extraordinary that so
many who are Gentiles by birth, seek for God's truth anywhere but through the channel
God has appointed!