The Berean Expositor
Volume 48 - Page 91 of 181
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him, the ringleader of the revolt against Him, the Lord was not only displaying the riches
of His grace as far as he was concerned, but was also giving an example of what His
grace could do for all subsequent sinners:
". . . . . that in me as chief might Jesus Christ show forth all His longsuffering, for an
example of them which should hereafter believe on Him unto everlasting life" (1: 16,
Hupotuposis, `example', occurs again in II Tim. 1: 13, "the form of sound words".
The word means an outline sketch or a word illustration. Paul's experience was to serve
as a compelling example of grace abounding to countless numbers who should hereafter
believe on the Lord Jesus unto life everlasting. Epi, `on', with the dative case is rare in
the N.T., but Paul uses it again in Rom. 9: 33 and 10: 11. It points to Christ as the only
firm basis of faith. Remember no one is saved by faith alone. Faith must rest on
someone or something. It cannot be suspended as it were in mid-air. The faith that saves
and brings eternal life of inexpressible joy must be faith or trust that is resting solely and
securely on the great Rock of ages, the un-changing Christ and all that He has
accomplished for sinners.
Once more an irresistible impulse prompts the Apostle to break forth into praise and
"Now unto the King of the ages (margin), incorruptible, invisible, the only God, be
honour and glory for ever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen" (1: 17, R.V.).
The striking title, "the King of the ages", occurs in Rev. 15: 3 R.V. and in the
Apocrypha (Tobit 13:6,10) so it was evidently current in Jewish circles. It is correct to
keep the title of God as King solely to Israel, for it is used twice in I Timothy, here and
6: 15 (See also Rev. 19: 16). The invisibility of God as Spirit is stressed in other
Scriptures (e.g. Col. 1: 15). He is the Author and Ruler of the Ages which He has
appointed to carry out His great redemptive purpose and this `plan of the ages' (eternal
purpose A.V. Eph. 3: 11) is centred in Christ Jesus. He is mono Theo, "God alone", and
there is `none else' to be compared with Him as the middle chapters of Isaiah reveal. To
Him be all the adoration and praise for all time and eternity to follow!