The Berean Expositor
Volume 48 - Page 25 of 181
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The term `full age' is the translation of the Greek teleios which word is found in
ICor.ii.6, where the translation is `perfect'. This usage of the word `perfect' establishes
a further link between I Corinthians & Hebrews. It is a misunderstanding of ICor.ii.2
that derives from the Apostle's determination to know nothing `save Jesus Christ and
Him crucified', a standard for all evangelical preaching. In the first place Paul was not
preaching the gospel to the unsaved, he was addressing saints. He was not laying down a
rule for the preacher nor for himself, for we have only to read on to verse 6 and we shall
find that he did know much more among those that were perfect or of full age. If we
quote we should quote accurately and in full, and include Paul's reference to a visit he
had paid to Corinth and that it was only because of their carnal divisions and
unspirituality he said:
"I determined not to know anything AMONG YOU, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."
If we continue our reading until we come to chapter 15: we shall find that without the
resurrection the death of Christ avails us nothing. Paul did, therefore, have more to
preach and teach.
Paul's attitude was regulated by the inability of the Corinthians `to bear' further truth.
We shall find when we come to chapter 4: that he knew that the Corinthians had been
disappointed.  They had expected `mysteries' but as a steward his first duty was
faithfulness and, as they were still `babes', he had fed them with `milk'. Two more
antonyms await us before this great section is covered, but these we leave for another
No.14.  Examples in  I Corinthians.
Foundation  5:  Building  (3: 10 - 15).
Man's judgment  5:  The Lord's judgment (4: 1 - 6).
pp. 146 - 151
In our last study, we observed the way in which the Apostle's thought traveled,
noticing first the difference between words taught by man's wisdom, and the words
taught by the Holy Ghost; and then the difference between the natural man, to whom the
words of the Holy Ghost seem foolishness, and the spiritual man who is able to discern
and appreciate the words of heavenly wisdom. The Apostle proceeded to apply this
lesson to the Corinthians, who, though believers and saved, were acting not as spiritual,
but as carnal, and so had to be fed with milk as babes, and not with meat as perfect or
Two further antonyms complete our examination of the opening section of I Corinthians:
(6) Foundation 5: Superstructure (3: 10-15).
(7) Man's judgment 5: the Lord's judgment (4: 1-6).