The Berean Expositor
Volume 47 - Page 127 of 185
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"In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins" (Col. 1: 14).
The words `through His blood' are omitted by the best Greek texts, though, keeping
Eph. 1: 7 in mind, they are obviously implied. The Word of God knows nothing about
redemption that is not based upon the sacrificial death of Christ. This is absolutely
central to all the great plan of God and verses 20 & 22 of Col. 1: give us this basic truth
(and compare Rom. 3: 24). We now enter a section that experiences depths and heights,
dealing with the old and new creations, one material and the other spiritual, and this with
the object of combating the Colossian heresy.  Paul shows that the Lord Jesus is
preeminent in both, which would be a shattering blow to the seducing doctrines
promulgated by the opposers at Colossae.
Several points of doctrine brought forward in this section are echoed again in 3: 9-15:
Colossians 1: 13 - 20
3: 9 - 15.
G | 1: 15, 16. The Creator. The Image.
H | 1: 20. Reconciliation of heaven and earth.
I | 1: 17, 18. Christ pre-eminent. All in Him.
J | 1: 20. Peace and forgiveness of sins.
K | 1: 22. Holy, blameless, unreproveable.
G | 3: 10. Created after Image.
H | 3: 11. Reconciliation of Jew and Greek.
I | 3: 11. Christ is all and in all.
J | 3: 13, 15. Peace. Forgive quarrel.
K | 3: 9, 12. Put off, put on, holy and beloved.
Charles H. Welch draws our attention to the parallels between John 1:, Colossians 1:
and Hebrews 1::
John 1:
Colossians 1:
Hebrews 1:
The express Image
The Image
The Word
The substance
The invisible God
God never seen
Ages, heaven and earth
All things created by Him
All things made by Him
made by Him
Superior to angels
Pre-eminent in all
Preferred before John
Heir of all things
All the fullness
His fullness
All things upheld by Him
All things by Him consist
Thy Throne, O God
The Word was God
The only-begotten Son
The tremendous statements of these three contexts and others as well must be taken
into consideration if we are to get any true appreciation of the passage we are
considering. The Apostle here goes right to the heart of the matter that was troubling the
Colossians by asserting the primacy of Christ in all things.  The truth of this was
sufficient to show up the false teaching at Colossae for what it was, the `angel of light'