The Berean Expositor
Volume 47 - Page 106 of 185
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Male and Female Created He Them
(A consideration of the God-ordained positions of man and woman.)
The Calling of Woman (cont).
pp. 14 - 17
Under this title, `The Calling of Woman', it was noticed in the previous article that the
Scriptural conception is that woman was originally made as an `help meet' for the man;
she was created `on account of' the man (Gen. 2: 18; I Cor. 11: 9). This being so, her
peculiar calling, as a woman, cannot be properly understood without reference to the
man's own peculiar calling. Hence some knowledge of what is involved in the headship
of man is necessary, since that includes the idea of a relationship established between the
two parties.
Also in the last article was discussed, just how far that part of the calling of woman
which involved her originally in motherhood, is relevant today in the `heavenlies' calling.
If, as far as this latter point is concerned, it was not possible to quote Scripture so that
there could be no doubt as to what God's will really is, at least it was possible to give
some small guidance to the believer so that, as before the Lord, he could form his own
It might be as well, at this point, to remind the believer that when he (or she) is called
upon to make specific judgments of such a nature as is mentioned above (i.e. with respect
to the role of motherhood in the present calling of God), such judgments ought to be
formed basically from general principles laid down in Scripture, and not from current
views popular in the unbelieving world, or even professing Christendom.
"Civilization" (for all the respectability of the modern usage) has derived from the
idea of living in cities, and it is not without significance that the first `city' was built by
Cain, after he `went out from the Presence of the Lord' (Gen. 4: 16, 17). The next
references are equally ominous, referring to Nimrod (whose kingdom began with Babel)
and associated with judgment (Gen. 10: 8-12; 11: 1-9).  Those who sought to live by
faith, looked only for a city `whose builder and maker is God' (Heb. 11: 1, 2, 8-10).
It is not surprising, in the light of this, that although civilization, in the widest sense of
that term, has conferred what are generally recognized as benefits, it has also led to a
feeling of independence from God (even doubting His existence).
When the western world changed from an agricultural to an industrial society,
civilization began to take on a new form, in which the distinction between man and
woman's callings has slowly become more and more blurred. Two world wars have
conditioned the mind to the acceptance of women working in almost every sphere, even
in places of leadership, so that now, to return to the Scriptural conception of the calling of
woman, is to be branded as denying the `rights' that belong to her. Yet it behoves the