The Berean Expositor
Volume 47 - Page 85 of 185
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When the Apostle stood before Agrippa, he made known for the first time what the
Lord had said to him on the road to Damascus.
Paul before Agrippa
(Acts 26:).
A | 1-3. Agrippa acknowledged as an expert.
B | 4-7. Paul's manner of life from his youth. A Pharisee.
C | 8. Personal appeal to Agrippa. "Incredible" (Apistos).
D | 9-15. Contrary to Jesus of Nazareth. Jerusalem. Damascus.
E | 16-18. Paul's Commission. The two commissions. |
a | Stand (Histemi).
b | Witness.
c | Both. I have . . . I will.
d | People and Gentiles.
e | Forgiveness. Inheritance.
D | 19-21. Obedience to heavenly vision. Damascus. Jerusalem.
E | 22, 23. Paul's Commission. The first commission re-stated. |
a | Continue (Histemi).
b | Witnessing.
c | None other things.
e | Suffer. Rise.
d | People and Gentiles.
C | 24-28. Personal appeal to Festus, and of Paul to Agrippa (Pisteuo).
B | 29. Reference to present manner of life. Except bonds.
A | 31, 32. Agrippa gives his opinion.
We will not go over the ground already covered by the Apostle in his former defences,
but deal rather with those items that he brings into prominence in this particular speech
before Agrippa.
The Apostle begins by going over the ground already covered by Acts 9: and 22:--
his early life, his persecuting zeal and the vision on the road to Damascus. At verse 16,
however, he breaks new ground. Truth hitherto unrecorded is now revealed, and as this
new revelation is of vital importance to all who rejoice in the dispensation of the
Mystery, verses 16-18 must be given our closest attention. Let us note first that it is here
for the first time that we are told what the Lord Himself said to the Apostle on the road to
Damascus. It may, perhaps, be objected that this statement is not true, and that in
Acts 9: we can read for ourselves what the Lord said. To make sure about this point, let
us turn to Acts 9::
Verses 1 and 2 record the journey to Damascus.
Verses 3 and 4 record the vision and the Voice.
Verse 5 reveals that it is the Lord Who speaks.
Verse 6 tells Paul to go into the city and wait for instructions.
Verses 15 and 16 record what the Lord said to Ananias about Paul, but that is all.