The Berean Expositor
Volume 47 - Page 24 of 185
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Grace in Galatians.
A | 1: 3. Opening Salutation.
Prefaced by reference to "Not of men, neither by man"
and the evidence of his apostleship (verse 1).
B | 1: 6. Removal from the grace of Christ.
Reference to "Him that called you".
Also references to "another gospel which is not another"
and to "some who had troubled them".
Strong denunciation even of an angel that preached any other gospel,
"let him be accursed". "If I yet please men." "Do I now persuade men?".
C | 1: 15. The grace manifested in the Apostle's call
was characterized by the revelation of "the Son of God" in him,
and this grace was not frustrated either by disobedience
or by conference with flesh and blood.
D | 2: 9. "The grace that was given unto me."
In this epistle more stress is placed upon the messenger.
In Romans where the question of Paul's apostleship was settled,
the stress is placed upon his message.
C | 2: 21. The grace of God not frustrated by the gospel.
So far as the life in the flesh is concerned Paul had died
and now lived the faith of "the Son of God".
B | 5: 4. Fallen from grace.
Reference to "Him that calleth you".
Also reference to being "otherwise minded"
and to him that "troubleth you".
Strong denunciation of any who troubled the church.
"I would they were cut off". "If I yet preach circumcision." "This persuasion."
A | vi.183. Closing benediction,
preceded by reference to the "marks" of his adherence to Christ
and to "no man".
If the treatment of `grace' is not so full as that which we find in Romans or Ephesians,
yet this perfect distribution and the perfect number of occurrences (seven) cannot fail to
impress the believing reader.