The Berean Expositor
Volume 47 - Page 11 of 185
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of the slaves of sin, death and law. This Christ did, as Gal. 3: 13 and 4: 5 affirm,
dying as the accursed One on the tree, to set free the slaves of the law, dying as One
made of a woman and made under the law, that those under its bondage may be
emancipated. No wonder with the true values of bondage and freedom which we but
dimly perceive, and which the Apostle saw so clearly, no wonder we repeat, he cries with
such impassioned appeal:
"To the freedom with which Christ made us free, stand fast, and be not again held fast
in a yoke of slavery" (Gal. 5: 1).
It is not surprising that, having caught a glimpse of this blessed freedom, our own
hymn-book contains such verses as these:
"Separated for the Father,
Saved to serve the Holy One,
Man-made bonds and fetters vanish
In His well-beloved Son",
"There is fullness of freedom, no fetters can bind
The soul that the Spirit of truth has set free;
When the light of God's Word has illumined the mind,
There is full, unalloyed and complete liberty",
or again,
"He has redeemed us, our sins are forgiven;
Now, as His members, One Body are we:
Bondage is past, all our fetters are riven,
None can enslave whom the Son has set free."