The Berean Expositor
Volume 46 - Page 141 of 249
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The next step in the tragedy is that Eve usurps the place of her husband, as guardian of
the garden and the tree of knowledge, by reasoning with the serpent about the Word of
God, and is consequently "thoroughly deceived" (Gen. 3: 1-7; I Tim. 2: 14).
Adam also fails to regard God's order, listening to the voice of his wife rather than to
the Word of God (Gen. 3: 17). The end result of all these steps out of God's appointed
order, is that sin and death enter the kosmos, and that creation begins to show everywhere
the evidence of it.
So we read the steps which led to sin and death entering into God's order, as different
parts of His creation step out of their appointed places. First Satan, then the serpent, then
Eve and finally Adam, and hence tragedy follows. This terrible story of rebellion and
disobedience ought to be a lesson to all mankind of the results that must surely follow the
ignoring of God's order, and especially ought it to be given heed to by those who know
and love the Word of Truth, and who seek to live out their lives in harmony with His
good pleasure.
In the studies which are to follow concerning the God-ordained positions of man and
woman, it is asked of the reader that he keep in mind this basic truth concerning order.
Each part of God's creation is fitted to take and hold a certain place in His overall
scheme. It should be the desire of each one of us to know what that place is, and then to
live in obedience to it, and to Him Who so ordained it. Failure to do this can only lead to
disorder and tragedy.
In the world around us there is a general revolt against "law and order"; the old values
are fast being undermined, and there is a growing dissatisfaction with one's lot in life. It
is easy to be part of this, carried along with the stream of popular opinion. One of the
fields in which this revolt and dissatisfaction expresses itself is in the man-woman
relationship. It behoves every God-fearing man and every God-fearing woman, to have
nothing to do with popular trends, but to turn their thoughts to the Scripture of truth, and
allow themselves only to be influenced by its teaching. God has a place for man, and He
has a place for woman; they ignore this to their own peril and the dishonour of the Lord.