The Berean Expositor
Volume 46 - Page 116 of 249
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pp. 201 - 203
We move on now to Rom. 8: where the actual words "The glorious liberty of the
children of God" are found. We shall find upon studying this majestic chapter that it is
dominated by the word huios "son" or huiothesia "adoption" or "the placing of a son as
heir"; and as "the glorious liberty" which is contained in the title of these studies is taken
from Rom. 8:, so it is fitting that all that has been here written should lead up to and
be crowned by the teaching of this great passage. We repeat the outline of Rom. 8::
Rom. 8:
A | 1-5-. No condemnation. God sent His Own Son.
B | -5-15-. Led by Spirit. Sons now.
C | -15-17-. Spirit itself. Sonship (adoption).
D | -17-21. Suffering and Glory. Manifestation.
C | 22-28. Spirit itself. Sonship (adoption).
B | 29, 30. Conformed to image of His Son. Then.
A | 31-39. Who condemns? God spare not His Own Son.
While every section of this mighty chapter is of supreme importance, we must limit
ourselves in the study to the central section of the structure, which contains the reference
"The glorious liberty of the children of God" namely "D | 8: -17-21. Suffering and
Glory. Manifestation. (huios)."
The doctrinal portion of Romans (chapters 1:-8:)
contain references to "hope", and they are as follows:
in Rom. 1: - 8:
A | 4: 18. HOPE in spite of deadness of self. A Son.
B | 5: 2. HOPE arising out of peace and justification.
C | 5: 4. HOPE realized in experience and patience.
D | 5: 5. HOPE and Love of God. Unashamed.
A | 8: 20. HOPE in spite of vanity and corruption. Sonship.
B | 8: 24. HOPE leading to complete salvation.
C | 8: 25. HOPE express in patient and waiting.
These seven references have this in common, they all speak of resurrection, and the
utter failure of the flesh.
"For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth,
why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience
wait for it" (Rom. 8: 24, 25).
The outstanding quality of this hope is that it is not seen. The faith which is "the
substance of things hoped for" in Heb. 11: is linked with "the evidence of things not