The Berean Expositor
Volume 46 - Page 64 of 249
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Both the A.V. and R.V. translate "Now ye are the body of Christ", but there is no
definite article in the Greek. We cannot translate it baldly "you are a body of Christ", for
this does not give the sense. The only way is, as Dr. C. K. Barrett renders it, "you are
Christ's body".
At first sight this seems to upset the distinction between the Pentecostal church and
the Body of Christ after the Acts period, but we should ask ourselves, how could one of
the many assemblies existing at this time be The Body of Christ? What of the rest? Paul
uses the phrase "one body" again in Romans, and this helps us to understand the usage of
the word "body" in the Acts as applied to believers. "So we, being many, are one body
IN Christ, and every one members one of another" (Rom. 12: 5). Note he did NOT say
"we are the one Body OF Christ", but "one body (of believers) IN Christ", which is a
very different thing and shows the standing by grace of the Roman church in Christ. So
with the Corinthian assembly. They were a company (body) of believers belonging to
Christ (Christ's body); like all the other churches; they were not part of the sussoma, the
joint-Body of which Christ is the Head. Nothing is said about the Headship of Christ in
these Acts epistles. If we are absolutely accurate in our reading and note just what the
Apostle wrote under inspiration, not adding in our minds what was to be revealed later,
we shall have no difficulty with this context, or try to identify what God has made to
The God-given human gifts of ministry commence with the foundation work of
apostles and prophets. As we have seen, these were necessary to lay the foundation of
truth until the written Word of God was complete and then the completed inspired Word
took over. The gifts that follow are secondary and fall in line with the super-natural gifts
already detailed. "Helps" antilempseis is a common word in the papyri, but only used
here in the N.T. It probably referred to the work of the deacons, assisting the poor and
the sick. "Governments" (kuberneseis), speak of ruling or leading, and Paul doubtless
has in mind the overseers (bishops), the outstanding leaders of the local assembly.
The questions asked by the Apostle refer back to verse 14 and its argument that the
human body is not one member, but many and all essential. In each question me in the
Greek demands the answer "no". It is significant that `tongues' comes at the bottom of
the list and the answer "no" deals a death-blow to the modern Pentecostal argument that
tongue speaking is a sign of the fullness or special baptism of the Spirit for spiritual
Christians. "Eagerly desire the greater gifts" said the Apostle (verse 31) and there can be
no doubt that Paul unhesitatingly ranks some spiritual gifts above others and tongue
speaking certainly is not one, as this context and chapter 14: clearly reveal. But there is
something even better. "I show you a supremely excellent way" a way par excellence
which exceeds all that has been given before. It is the way of Divine love, and those who
have the mind of the Spirit will always put the emphasis on this first and foremost. Just
what this involves is made clear in the poetic hymn to love which follows.