The Berean Expositor
Volume 45 - Page 188 of 251
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We shall, therefore, all be recognized by Him in glory, and should there be any lack of
recognition on our part, will that not instantly be rectified in His presence? Recognition
of others, is vitally connected with our own personal identity. If I shall be the same
person in glory, that sinned and believed on earth, then I shall remember it and know it,
otherwise my identity will be a myth. Without memory, identity is impossible. But I
cannot remember my past life without remembering others, and if this be so, my own
identity being preserved in glory, guarantees the recognition of other identities too. So,
we say to all to whom this matter has been a problem:
"Let not your heart be troubled . . . . . in My Father's house are many mansions, if it
were not so I would have told you" (John 14: 1, 2).
We can surely expand this comforting note to cover other things "If it were not so", if
there be no recognition in heaven, He Who knows our hearts and our legitimate longings,
He "would have told" us.