The Berean Expositor
Volume 45 - Page 45 of 251
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This suggests that the Jews (John 2: 20) were referring rather to the length in which
the whole project had been in hand. Work on this temple continued until 64A.D., just six
years before its destruction by fire under Titus.
The Temple which stood during the Lord's earthly days was an attempt by Herod to
endear himself to his Jewish subjects, an attempt which failed. And yet in spite of this
origin and motive, the Lord identified Himself with it, calling it "My Father's house
(oikos)" (John 2: 16). Note also Matt. 21: 12, 13:
"And Jesus went into the temple (hieron) of God . . . . . and said unto them, It is
written, My house (oikos) shall be called The House (oikos) of Prayer; but ye have made
it a den of thieves."
Later "My house" became "your house" (Matt. 23: 38). Yet even after this reversal
with its associated prophecy concerning the desolation of the Temple, and even after the
crucifixion of the Lord, Peter and John (perhaps the two apostles most near to the Lord)
go up to this same Temple (hieron) at the hour of prayer. From the early chapters of the
Acts of the Apostles it appears that the Temple was the centre of activity of the early
church. Just as the Jewish believers of this day did not disassociate themselves from the
synagogues, neither did the Apostles separate themselves from the Temple. The object of
the Apostles with their call to repentance was not to begin a new calling, but to make
ready the people of God for the coming back of their Messiah. The hope of Israel was
centred in this Messiah, and the fulfillment of Mal. 3: 1, "The Lord, whom ye seek,
shall suddenly come to his temple".
For nineteen hundred years the People of Israel have been without a temple, and
although an effort was made under the Emperor Julian to rebuild, this and all other
aspirations in this direction have been frustrated. At this present time, the once sacred
height is occupied by the Mosque of Omar. In order that Matt. 24: may be fulfilled, it
would seem to be necessary that the Temple be rebuilt. Then will the prophecy of Daniel
(Matt. 24: 15) be fulfilled, and the great tribulation commence, leading, as that chapter
indicates, to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The events in the Middle East
are surely seen by the most casual observer to be leading up to this rebuilding.
Everything connected with the priesthood was intended to be symbolical and typical,
and pointed forward to the Great High Priest and his work for man. The essential idea of
the priesthood as, "mediation". Dr. Edersheim writes:
"The Hebrew term for priest (kohen) denotes in its root meaning `one who stands up
for another, and mediates in his cause" (The Temple, its Ministry and Services at the time
of Jesus Christ).
This meaning can be felt from such a passage as Heb. 5: 1:
"For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining
to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins."