The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 221 of 247
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The Lord's Prayer was not then given for "believers of all ages", neither for use
during the coming Kingdom Age (or why pray, "Thy kingdom come"?), but for a people
awaiting that kingdom, who were asked to endure for `a little while' in the light of the
nearness of the return of the King. When understood in this light, every word can be
given its full value and there is no need for spiritualizing. The Lord has given us in its
place the prayers of Eph. 1: 15-23; 3: 14-21; Col. 1: 9-12; 4: 12, all applicable to the
present time and in harmony with God's present purpose.
pp. 152 - 157
Before considering the various clauses of this prayer, it will help to observe that the
first three requests are qualified by the words "as in heaven so also upon the earth", thus:
Sanctified be Thy Name
Let come Thy Kingdom
} . . . . . as in heaven so also upon earth.
Let Thy will be done
Also the omission of the words, "but deliver us from evil" in Luke, suggest that these
words are included in the clause "lead us not into temptation", and we read it so:
"Lead us not . . . . . but deliver us . . . . ."
The prayer then, expresses a desire for heavenly conditions to prevail upon the earth,
"as in heaven so also upon earth"; it represents the desire of God's ancient people for
their golden age, the Millennium, to come, when "the heavens do rule" (Dan. 4: 26).
The answer to the prayer will be the setting up of this `kingdom of the heavens' which
will run on into the "new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness".
Before the coming of that glorious age however, this same people will pass through a
refining process, the Great Tribulation, when the need to pray for deliverance from `the
evil' of that day will be expressed in the latter part of the Lord's Prayer, and when they
still "hunger and thirst" (compare Rev. 7: 13-17) and need `daily bread'.
Our Father.
It is the blessed experience of all `the children of God' to be able to approach God
with the word "Father". This fact however must not blind us to the import of the word
used in this context. The expression, "Our Father", being suggestive of a company of
people, reminds us of the relationship between Jehovah and His people Israel.
"Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise? Is not He thy Father that
hath bought thee?" (Deut. 32: 6).
"Thus saith the Lord, Israel is My son, even My firstborn" (Exod. 4: 22).