The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 204 of 247
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To this line of teaching the Apostle evidently referred when in Philippians, with the
race, the prize and the out-resurrection in view, he said:
"Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow . . . . . I
press . . . . . for the prize" (Phil. 3: 12-16).
The Apostle in another context said, concerning the hope of resurrection:
"For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; not for that we would be
unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life" (II Cor. 5: 4).
The same apostle, writing to the same church, used this same figure "Death is
swallowed up in victory" and related it to the "last trump" (I Cor. 15: 51-54). If those
who attain to the prize and the out-resurrection pass, after three days burial (as some have
maintained) into the presence of the Lord, why has Paul, the Apostle, not said so? So far
as Paul is concerned, the crown will be his at the Lord's "appearing" (II Tim. 4: 8),
which is the word that refers to the hope, of the Church of the Mystery.
We will not continue unduly to consider this idea that is held by some believers, but
realize that those who die in faith, in any dispensation, fall asleep to awake:
"When Christ, Who is our LIFE, shall appear" (Col. 3: 4).
Let our criterion ever be `what saith the Scriptures?' not what we ourselves wish the
Scriptures said.
In conclusion, we feel that it is due to all readers to state, that in Volumes VII & VIII
of The Berean Expositor we did, on page 150 of Volume VIII indicate a leaning to the
possibility that those who attained to this "OUT-resurrection" and who died, did pass into
the presence of the Lord. For this we had no actual Scriptural basis, it was but a possible
inference. Such `leanings' or `inferences' can never be satisfactory to the true Berean
who searches to see if what is taught is "SO", and for years now since 1918, we have
regarded this teaching to be but a private opinion which could possibly approximate to
that which the Apostle so strongly condemned in II Tim. 2: 16-18, and so have left the
matter as it stands in Scripture.
We believe Paul himself settled the question for us, and for all who will let him speak
for himself. We note how the following words taken from the same epistle (Philippians)
harmonize with the subject we have been discussing. We are content to let our faith rest
"For our citizenship is in heaven; FROM whence also we look for the Saviour, the
Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change this body of our humiliation, that it may fashioned
like unto His body of glory" (Phil. 3: 20, 21).
While Paul's "citizenship" existed as a present fact (huparcho) IN HEAVEN, he
himself, and those likeminded with him, "Looked for the Saviour FROM WHENCE".
Clearly he did not anticipate experiencing this, and at the same time, a special
resurrection at death.