The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 173 of 247
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that they are spiritual; their quantity is such that none have been held back by our
heavenly Father. All have been lavished upon us. This is prodigality indeed!
But to appreciate them better, let us try and get some measure of understanding of the
word "spiritual". We know nothing of the sphere called heaven except what the Bible
reveals. That it is not a place of concrete materials, such as our present earth is, must be
surely clear. Heaven or the various heavens or sub-divisions that comprise it, is a place
of spirit. God Himself is spirit (John 4: 24), and has created angels, principalities and
powers who are spiritual beings (Heb. 1: 7, 14). This may not reveal much to us, but let
us not think that heaven is less real than the earth because we cannot fully grasp it by our
five senses. Possibly it is all the more wonderful because we cannot do so, insomuch that
it is too great and exalted for our present limited comprehension. If we were able to bear
a glimpse of heaven, we should have some idea of the spiritual blessing that go with it.
We can contrast these with Israel's blessings, which were earthly, because they were
God's earthly people with an inheritance that they will finally enjoy in the earth. God
suits the blessings to the sphere where they will be enjoyed. As our homeland exists in
heaven (Phil. 3: 20), our blessings relate to heaven and heavenly conditions, a realm of
spirit, and therefore they are spiritual blessings not material ones. But also we do well to
remember that there is an evil spirit world dominated by Satan, "the spirit that now
worketh in the children of disobedience" (Eph. 2: 2), and in connection with this we are
told that there is "spiritual wickedness" (6: 12), so it is clear that the words "spirit' or
"spiritual" are not necessarily synonymous with what is good or Christ-like.
The Father has assured us that He has lavished upon us every blessing that is spiritual,
namely all the blessings of the highest heavens to which the Lord Jesus was exalted after
His resurrection ". . . . . heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might,
and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
which is to come" (1: 19-21). This is also described as the Father's "right hand" (20), and
must be the highest pinnacle of glory and exaltation. This answers the question as to
where these blessings are now, and where they will be enjoyed by every member of the
Body. They are additionally secure because they are "in Christ", and what safer place
could they be in? Who can touch the exalted Christ? Who can wrest these priceless
blessings from Him? Not even Satan, with all his power and the hosts of demons under
his control can lay their hands on such Divinely guarded spiritual wealth. Nor are they
put into our hands yet, for it they were, we should probably spoil or lose them. They are
treasured up in the Saviour and Head of the Body until His members are home with Him,
are made like Him with a body of glory, and can enjoy and use them to the full. Now we
receive them by faith; then faith will be exchanged for sight and full experience.
If we should ask, why did God do this? There is only one answer--LOVE, Divine
love that is beyond our full comprehension (3: 16-19), but which we should seek to
know more and more. Here then is spiritual wealth beyond dreams, and if the new
revelation given in Ephesians consisted of nothing more than this, it would be
overwhelming, but this is only the beginning! Verse 4 continues: "According as He (the
Father) hath chosen us in Him (the Son) before the foundation of the world, that we