The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 167 of 247
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of Israel. One other thing we must consider. Those who do not subscribe to a future for
the nation of Israel, constantly refer to the Church as being "the Israel of God". You
would think, to hear them talk or write, that this was a title scattered all over the N.T., so
often do they use it. The Body of Christ, they say, is the real Israel. The phrase occurs
once only in the Scriptures, in Gal. 6: 16, "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision
availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature (or a new creation). And as
many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of
God". Now will you note that there are two companies here, not one. This is not a
descriptive title, even for all the saved at this time. "Peace be on them"--them that walk
according to this rule--"and mercy, and upon the Israel of God". The little word "on",
the preposition which is epi in the Greek, is repeated twice. We are dealing with two
companies not one. It was a description of the faithful Israel, the faithful remnant, at this
time. When the Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans there was a remnant
according to the election of grace. The few among the Jews were responding to the
Gospel; the bulk were not. They were not the true Israel; those Hebrews who were
saved during the Acts period, were the true Israel from the Divine standpoint, and they
are the Israel of God. This title is never used again in the N.T., and we have no right to
take this as a covering title for all the redeemed for all time. This is surely a very flimsy
basis on which to erect a great doctrine. Beware of one-text doctrines! Important
doctrines do not rest on single verses!
Let us be thankful to realize that God is unchanging in His love and purpose for His
earthly people, in spite of their sin, failure, and opposition. If this was not so, what
assurance could we have that He will always remain the same toward us, the members of
the Body of Christ?
pp. 136 - 140
In past studies together we have noted the wonderful fact that in the plan of the ages in
Christ Jesus, there are three spheres of blessing wherein His redeemed children have an
inheritance. When we reach the new heaven and earth wherein dwelleth righteousness
(II Pet. 3: 13), we shall have come round as it were in a full circle, because that is the
way God started in the beginning with a perfect creation. In this future new creation
these spheres will have their place. One is, of course, the earth itself. How often have
people read the Sermon on the Mount, and in it the verse which states "the meek shall
inherit the earth"? (Matt. 5: 5). All the redeemed are not going to heaven; neither are all
going to be blessed on the new earth. Some will evidently be blessed in each of these
spheres otherwise the Word of God is not true. And then we have seen, too, that
Abraham, although he had an earthly inheritance promised him by the Lord, looked for
something better, a better country and city as the Epistle to the Hebrews reveals. This is
the heavenly Jerusalem. The Apostle John also had a vision of it, and he describes it in
the last chapters of the Book of the Revelation.