The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 162 of 247
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and repent. It will take nothing less than the returning glory of their Saviour to at last
bring them to their knees.
So we find then that the break with the Jewish nation is not at the Cross; it is at the
end of the Acts. There is a consistent line of Divine purpose going right through from
Gen. 12:, where God lays hold of Abraham, right on to the end of the Acts, and we can
say that the people of Israel are in the forefront all the way through till that point. There
is coming a time, the Second Advent of Christ, when God is going to deal with His
earthly people again. Between these two points there is a gap so far as the earthly
kingdom is concerned, and what fills it up is the revelation that the Lord Jesus Christ
made known through Paul, His prisoner. And this concerns the revelation of a secret
purpose of God concerning His heavenly people, the body of Christ, the fullness of Him
that filleth all in all.
In this company there is no Jew and no Gentile either. It is a new creation where both
lose their status and something infinitely better is revealed. That is one reason why this
could not be revealed during the Acts where Israel, the chosen nation, is being dealt with
by God until the last chapter.
We have looked at the word `church' as used in the Bible, and we saw that it would be
quite Scriptural to talk about the children of Israel as a church, because this word only
means a called-out company of people, which just describes the nation of Israel. And in
any case, the word `congregation' that we have as many times in the O.T. is translated
`church' in the Greek translation of the O.T., the Bible in common use in N.T. times.
Stephen does not hesitate to use the word `church' in connection with the people of
Israel; he calls them `the church in the wilderness'. It is not correct to say that there is
only one church in the Bible: there is only one Body, but that is quite another thing.
There was a called-out company of Hebrew Christians, as we would term them today, at
Pentecost--a church who were indeed the Israel of God.  But was it the Church
connected with the secret that was revealed after the Acts through Paul's later prison
ministry? We have seen that this cannot be. For one thing every step in the Acts was
linked with the O.T. which is quoted at various points and therefore was not, and could
not be secret in any way. Let us obey the command in Phil. 1: 10 margin and "Try the
things that differ" and not confuse them. If we do this, how can we expect to get light
and blessing? We want to make it plain that it is not foundation or basic truths that
change after the Acts, such as sin, salvation and sanctification, these are true for all time.
But God can reveal various aspects of His great plan for His creation, all of them resting
solidly upon the death and resurrection of Christ, and this is what we find after Israel's
failure at the end of the Acts. God now reveals something entirely new, related to the
heavens and not the earth, and it is this heavenly side of the purpose of the ages
connected with the Body of Christ that now comes to the forefront and dominates the
scene during this age of grace, while the nation of Israel are in darkness and unusable by