| The Berean Expositor Volume 44 - Page 156 of 247 Index | Zoom | |
believed not. After all this long waiting on the part of God, after all this ministry to them
which included the gospel of the circumcision, there is no sign of a unanimous
repentance and turning to God as they had been commanded to do (Acts 3: 19-26).
And this is where God's longsuffering finally ran out: "And when they agreed not
among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word". He now quotes
from a very solemn passage from the O.T.; It is from Isa. 6: "Well spake the Holy
Ghost by Isaiah the Prophet unto our (but if you read the R.V. `unto your') fathers saying,
Go unto this people and say, Hearing you shall hear, and not understand; and seeing ye
shall see and not perceive. For the heart of this people is waxed gross (heavy, hard), and
their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed, lest they should see with
their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be
converted and I should heal them". This is the same word that Peter spoke to them in
Acts 3:: "Repent and be converted"--turn again--but they refused to turn back to God
and truly repent. "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent (or
`was sent') unto the Gentiles, and they will hear it". You refuse to hear it, they will hear
it--look at the difference! The poor, despised Gentiles whom the Jews looked on as
dogs, heard the Word gladly and received it, but the Jews would not do so, with the
consequence that they had become blind, deaf, and so hardened spiritually, that now they
are quite unusable by God and He lays them aside. As a race they have been in this
condition ever since. True, God has saved individual Jews, but racially they are still
Christ rejecters. They have been in the forefront of God's purpose since Gen. 12:, for
the establishment of God's kingdom on earth. Will this kingdom never come? Has God
finally cast away Israel? The Scriptural answer is `no'. On the basis of the New
Covenant of grace, they will yet be restored (Jer. 31: 31; Rom. 11: 25-29) at the
Second Coming of the Lord. Meanwhile God has been carrying out another phase of His
great redemptive purpose that affects the heavens, and men and women of this age who
are saved by grace. For them are unsearchable riches such as Israel never knew. These
lie ahead for our explanation by faith.
pp. 77 - 80
We finished our study last time at the end of the Acts of the Apostles; we saw that it
struck a tragic note because the plan of God, which embraced the whole world to be
reached through the Jewish nation, was temporarily brought to a halt through their
opposition and unbelief. God's longsuffering at last ran out with this people, and at
Rome, the Apostle Paul was commissioned by the Holy Ghost to quote from Isa. 6:,
and tell them that, like their fathers of old, they had got into such a terrible condition that
they could not see, hear, or understand God's truth, whereas the Gentile, the outsider,
would receive the message. The prophet Hosea had looked forward to this time, and
prophesied that God would call Israel, Lo-ammi, not my people. But not only that, He
says something even worse: "and I will not be your God". Can you think of anything
more terrible than that? Supposing God said to us, "I will not be your God", what could