The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 84 of 247
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The remaining references to the `image' that we have listed must now be considered.
Meanwhile let us gladly yet humbly accept the role that Divine wisdom has appointed,
remembering that it is an unspeakable honour to have ANY part in the outworking or the
foreshadowing of our heavenly Father, and to be allowed, both in our homes and in our
church order, to anticipate however faintly, the relation of Christ to His believing people.
No.11.  "We must all be changed"
From Earthly to Heavenly and from glory to glory.
pp. 181 - 183
We now pass on to the consideration of three connected references that, taken
together, give light upon the ways, means and end in connection with the `image' and
`the goal of God'. "We must all be changed."
The Change. Earthly and Heavenly Image (I Cor. 15: 49).
The Change. From glory to glory (II Cor. 3: 18; 4: 4).
The Change. Conformed to the Image of His Son (Rom. 8: 29).
Before we can understand any particular passage, something more has to be done
than merely collecting words even though they may be key words. The doctrine is
decided by the scope of the passage and the scope is exhibited by the structure. In the
case of I Cor. 15:, the most casual reader would agree that the one great theme of the
chapter is "Resurrection". This is made very evident by the structure.
I Corinthians 15:
A1 | 1-11. Resurrection. EVIDENCE and EVANGEL.
A2 | 12-34. Resurrection. The FACT. "How?"
A3 | 35-58. Resurrection. The MANNER. "How?"
It is impossible to cover all the ground indicated by this structure, and so we must pass
over the first member A1 | 1-11 and give our attention to the two sections dealing
with the fact and the manner of resurrection.
I Corinthians 15: 12 - 58.
A | 12. FACT. "How?"
B | 13-33. ADAM. Death destroyed by CHRIST.
C | 34. Practical exhortation. "AWAKE."
A | 35. MANNER. "How?"
B | 36-57. FIRST and SECOND MAN. Death swallowed up.
C | 58. Practical exhortation. "BE STEDFAST."