The Berean Expositor
Volume 44 - Page 5 of 247
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The Funeral of
Mr. 100: H. Welch.
This took place at the Crystal Palace and District Cemetery,
Beckenham, at 3p.m. on Thursday, November 9th 1967. Besides the
family, there were about thirty friends present. Two had made the long
journey from Scotland, traveling overnight, and one friend came up from
Somerset. The service was kept short and simple. The Principal read part
of I Cor. 15:, and then, in a few words, reminded each one of how much
we owe to the Lord and to our brother for his long and loyal witness to the
truth. The Assistant Principal closed in prayer, and at the graveside the
Principal gave the committal.
The memory of our late President will long be with us for inspiration
and encouragement.