The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 218 of 243
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TITUS* as a whole.
[* - This structure has not appeared in any previous publication.]
A1 | 1: 1-4. Hope of eternal life.
Commandments of God our Saviour.
Grace from the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
B1 | 1: 5-16. Titus left at Crete.
Set right what is lacking (leiponta).
Unruly vain talkers, circumcision.
Every good work reprobate.
C | 2: 1. TITUS. Speak (lalei) sound doctrine.
B2 | 2: 2-8. Believers. Subject (hupotasso)
that Word be not blasphemed (blasphemetai).
A pattern of good works.
A2 | 2: 9-14. Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour.
Grace of God hath appeared (epiphano).
Blessed Hope. A glorious appearing (epiphaneian) of
our great God & Saviour Jesus Christ.
B3 | 2: 14. Peculiar people. Zealous of good work.
C | 2: 15 - 3: 1-. TITUS. Speak (lalei), rebuke, exhort.
B4 | 3: -1, 2. Believers. Subject (hupotasso) to authority.
Ready to every good work, not speak evil (blasphemein).
A3 | 3: 3-7. Kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared (epiphane).
Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Hope of eternal life.
B5 | 3: 8-15. Striving about the law, heretick reject.
Zenas and Apollos set forward nothing lacking (leipe).
Maintain good work (verse 8, 14).
The occurrence in 2: 13 has given rise to debate. Those who deny the deity of
Christ, insist that two persons are referred to, the title `great God' not referring to Jesus
Christ in their estimation.
"Awaiting the blessed hope of the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our
Saviour Christ Jesus" (Moffatt).
"While we wait for the happy hope and the glorious manifestation of the great God
and of our Saviour Christ Jesus" (New World Translation).
The A.V. likewise separates the two titles. But the R.V. reads:
"Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and
Saviour Jesus Christ",
putting the other reading in the margin. The R.V. translation was the view of the Greek
orthodox Fathers and of the most ancient commentators. Professor A. T. Robertson, one
of the greatest authorities on N.T. Greek, writes, "This is the necessary meaning of the
one article with theou and soteros". There is a similar construction in II Pet. 1: 1 which
the R.V. correctly renders, "Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ" as against the A.V. "God
and our Saviour Jesus Christ; see likewise in verse 11 `our Lord and Saviour Jesus