The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 163 of 243
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or is held together. In II Pet. 3: 5 this same word is used of the material creation where
it is translated `standing' in the A.V. and `compacted' in the R.V. Recent scientific
researches into the composition of the atom and the release of atomic energy enables us
to perceive something of the mighty power that is involved in holding the elements of
creation to their appointed place. In the year 1927 a fountain pen was given to me by a
friend of The Berean Expositor.  For over thirty years that pen has written many
thousands of words, and is writing this sentence at the moment. Think of the power that
has held the particles that compose the nib in place all these years. Then think of the
whole fabric of creation upheld, and held together by the power of the Saviour. When we
have in any measure comprehended this, then let us transfer our wondering thoughts from
the material creation of II Pet. 3:, to the spiritual creation of Col. 3: 17, and worship
as we realize that it too is held together by a power that nothing can disturb or dissipate.
The unity of the Spirit is held together in the bond of peace, and this is only one of many
ways in which this most blessed fact is expressed.
"IN HIM" all things were created (Col. 1: 16).
"IN HIM" all things in the new creation are held together (Col. 1: 17).
"IN HIM" it was well pleasing that all the fullness should dwell (Col. 1: 19).
In the new and spiritual creation Christ is not only `Firstborn' or `Pre-eminent', but He
is `Head', for this new creation is a `Body', and as Head all fullness dwells in Him, and
as a Body, this new company is the fullness of Him that filleth all in all. Before the
overthrow of the world, this church was chosen "IN HIM" (Eph. 1: 4). "IN HIM" they
have redemption (Eph. 1: 7), "IN HIM" they are made nigh (Eph. 2: 13), Christ is all and
in all to this company.  Colossians, like Ephesians is devoted to the teaching and
revelation of the Mystery, and the references to creation at the beginning and to
reconciliation at the end, have this dispensation of the Mystery in view.  This
dispensation is intimately associated with the creation of ta panta "the all things"
(Eph. 3: 9).  The Greek verb ktizo `to create' occurs 14 times in the N.T., seven of
which occurrences are found in the Prison Epistles. The limitations indicated by the
words ta panta show us that, like the term `all Israel', we must limit the extent of this
creation to those who were viewed `in Christ', just as we must limit the term `all Israel'
to those who were called `In Isaac'. In the Firstborn of all creation this company were
chosen, and in the fullness of time they, though fallen, were redeemed and reconciled.
He Who was the Firstborn of all creation now becomes the `Firstborn from the dead', and
as such is Head of the Body the church. The `fullness' the pleroma, that which nullifies
all rents and divisions occasioned by sin of the past, whether human, angelic or satanic, is
at last achieved and God becomes all in all. It is the privilege of the church of the
Mystery to anticipate that great consummation, and here and now to hold Christ the Head
and confess that He is `all in all' to them.
A seed was known to God at the creation of Man. That seed was attacked in the
earliest times.  The conflict of the ages has been the conflict of the two seeds.
Nevertheless, He Who upholds all things by the word of His power, in Whom all things
consists or are held together, brings that chosen seed, ta panta, whether earthly or
heavenly, whether human or angelic, gloriously and triumphantly through to victory. In