The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 161 of 243
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Col. 1: 13 - 23.
A | 13. Translation methistemi.
B | 14. Redemption and forgiveness of sins.
C | 15-17. | a | Image of invisible God.
b | Firstborn of every creature.
c | CREATION. "By Him."
Heaven and earth.
d | He is before all.
e | In Him all things consist.
C | 18-20. | a | The Beginning. Head of the body, the church.
b | Firstborn from the dead.
d | In all things pre-eminent.
e | In Him all the fullness dwells.
c | RECONCILIATION. Through blood of cross.
Earth and heaven.
B | 21, 22. Reconciliation. Presentation.
A | 23. Not moved away metakineo.
Christ is set forth in verse 15 under two figures "Image" and "Firstborn". He is the
Image of the invisible God, which is a revelation of truth similar, even if more advanced,
to that found in John 1: 1-18, where as `The Word' He declares Him Whom no man hath
seen at any time. He is set forth as the `Firstborn of all creation' because He is the
Creator of all things even as in John 1: 1-8, as `The Word' He made all things.
We have already seen that ta panta `the all things' indicates the universe as redeemed
and reconciled, and may not necessarily include `all things' panta, that indicate the
universe without reservation of any kind.  This recognition compels us to stop at
Col. 1: 16.  The A.V. reads "For BY Him, were all things created", but the R.V. reads
"For IN Him were all things created". Some have objected to the `pantheism' that
permitted this rendering to enter the R.V. but such an objection can hardly be laid to the
charge of Alford or Bishop Lightfoot who follow the R.V. here.