The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 130 of 243
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He was going to die by being crucified and the third day He would be raised again. He
did not say it once, but several times to them.  They did not understand;  and
understanding is of fundamental importance. We must be given understanding, otherwise
we shall never comprehend the Bible and its purpose. If we desire this very much and go
in humility to the Lord, He will give it us. The One who has made the plan, the One who
has written the Book can explain it to us and, praise God, He has promised to do it. It is
not primarily a question of braininess or education. It is a question of enlightenment, and
the only One who can give us light on the Word is the Holy Spirit. He alone can open the
eyes of our understanding. Do not let us be deceived on this point. No man or church
can give it us. It is God's prerogative alone.
In this passage in the Gospel of Luke we are assured that the disciples have divine
understanding given them so they are not likely to make mistakes.
Turning now to the book of the Acts, the first chapter, we are told the Lord "showed
himself alive to them after His Passion" (verse 3) to the Apostles whom He had chosen
`by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days and speaking of the things
pertaining to the Kingdom of God'. So here is the Lord instructing them from the
Scriptures for quite a long time; it is over a month, forty days, on and off. What a
favoured position they were in! They had been given understanding by Him and they
heard Him expound His own Word. What wonderful Bible expositions those must have
been! Now after forty days of such unique Bible teaching, what would you think would
be the first thing they would ask Him? We realize what most people might think they
ought to have said, but let us read what they actually did say. Verse 6 commences with
"therefore", linking back to the forty days instruction, because of what they had heard in
the Lord's exposition of the O.T. Scriptures. Therefore they ask Him, "Lord, wilt thou at
this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?"
Now some say they should not have been asking that. They should have known that
God had cast off Israel at the Cross and they ought to have been asking Him about the
Church. But the folk who talk like this have evidently not got the divine understanding
the apostles had! They think they are in a better position to know than these divinely
instructed disciples!
This is nothing less than spiritual pride and there is no sin more likely to blind our
minds. May the Lord keep us humble and emptied of human opinion, and may we make
the Word of God alone the basis for our belief's at all times.