The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 115 of 243
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and we have just seen that no imperfect being can ever get into God's new creation and
spoil it: God can not and will not have sinners, thieves or robbers there. Again the Lord
said: "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father except by Me."
There is one way into God's perfect Kingdom and one way only, and it is through the
Lord Jesus Christ. That is why He came to this earth to make this possible. He came to
make the way open for sinners to step through by faith so that God could at last deal with
their sins righteously and blot them out, the things that are separating them from Him and
spoiling them from having any position whatsoever in this glorious creation at the end.
"God hath made Him", that is Christ, "to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we
might be made the righteousness of God in Him". He takes our sins, and in exchange we
receive His righteousness or perfection. Now that is the very thing we want, and we must
have if we are to be a "hundred percent". This righteousness is the complete thing; this
is the "one hundred percent state" that must be ours if we are to have a place in the
restored and spotless new heaven and earth to which God has done everything necessary
for us--and this becomes our own possession as we simply take Him by faith or trust.
Not only that, but we have the gift of eternal life and immortality: "The wages of sin"
says the Epistle to the Romans "is death but, the free gift of God is eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord"; so the moment we receive Christ, the moment we commit
everything to this ever-living Saviour, we receive the certainty of eternal life. This is a
fresh start; we become a new creation, old things have passed away, and we are now in a
position, when we have received Him, to understand His truth. It is here where we have
all got to "toe the line". It is useless to talk about the Bible and all the wonders therein if
we have not made this necessary start with this new life and outlook. The unsaved
cannot have spiritual understanding; such are not in a position to understand the Bible.
This can only come through Christ as Saviour and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
Christmas-time we know is the time for receiving gifts, but let us not forget that
Christmas is really `Christ-mas', the birth of Christ. We do this because of God's great
Gift. His beloved Son. "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift." You do not try
to earn gifts, do you? If you are given a present you take it thankfully; you surely do not
spurn it and send it back, do you? What are you going to do with God's greatest Gift, the
Lord Jesus Christ? are you going to ignore Him, refuse the Gift or will you take Him by
faith? Do not forget that eternal life or eternal death hangs upon this. We trust that every
reader will have the wisdom to stretch out the hand of faith, simply, like a child, and take
Him as Saviour and sin-bearer. Just say: "Lord Jesus, I take you to be my own personal
Saviour, to be the bearer of my sins, past, present, and future, and I look to you for all
hope of immortality, eternal life, and all strength needed now at the present time to live as
you would have me live." This is the experience we must all have if we are to go
exploring together the wonders of revelation of God's Word and receive the Truth.
Ahead of us there lie untold riches for us to discover and to explore together in the Bible.
"He that hath the Son hath life, he that has not the Son of God hath not life." Which will
you have--eternal life or death?  Everlasting joys and riches beyond dreams--or
perishing eternally? He is yours for the taking, for the trusting. "He that spared not His
own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us
all things?" (Rom. 8: 32).