The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 107 of 243
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On the Threshold
p. 20
"Wherefore we labour, that . . . . . we may be accepted of Him" (II Cor. 5: 9).
The first nine verses of this chapter are very much misunderstood, briefly, the Apostle
does not desire death, but resurrection, not to be unclothed but clothed upon, that
mortality may be swallowed up of life. Paul, however, is no dreamer; much as "that
day" attracts him, he has the present pressing upon him, just as in a similarly difficult and
perverted passage Phil. 1: 22-26, where although he desires the "return" translated
"depart", yet if that cannot be, he will gladly labour and suffer here. In our verse the
word "labour" literally means, "we love the honour", or are "ambitious". The Apostle
uses it again elsewhere "ambitious to preach the gospel in the regions beyond", and to the
saints he wrote, "be ambitious to be quiet and mind your own business" (Rom. 15: 20;
I Thess. 4: 11).  Surely it should be the ambition of every saved one, that, when in
resurrection glory they stand before the Lord Jesus, they should be accepted, not with
regard to salvation, but service.  The word "accept" occurs in  Rom. 12: 1, 2;
"acceptable" 14: 18; Eph. 5: 10; Col. 3: 20: "well pleasing" Titus 2: 9; Heb. 11: 5, 6;
12: 28; 13: 16, 21.  If these passages are prayerfully considered, they may be of help in
really understanding our verse.