The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 43 of 243
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The seven-fold analysis of perfected faith that occupies the bulk of Heb. 11: is
introduced by a statement that reveals the underlying and essential character of this faith
in all and every one of its manifestations; "Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things
hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen." This passage may be taken apart from its
context as a general definition of faith, but its real force can only be appreciated as it is
seen at the head of this seven-fold exposition of perfected faith.
Moreover, viewing the statement in its context, it cannot be separated from the closing
words of chapter 10: There the believer is seen "losing" in this life, but sustained by the
consciousness of that "possession of a better and more lasting nature" (10: 34), which was
held in faith and prospect. The words immediately preceding the definition of faith in
Heb. 11: 1 speak of a future day when those who have "lost their soul" for Christ's sake
shall "gain" or "acquire it". Now it is evident that if these believers were really to take
joyfully the spoiling of their goods, they must have had very vividly before them "the
better and more lasting possessions" that awaited them in glory.
Substance and evidence.
As we examine the testimony of this chapter to the faith of Abel, Abraham, Moses and
others, we shall see how much and how readily they gave up life, home, and wealth for
the Lord's sake, and of them all it could be said that they were sustained by that faith
which is the substance of things hoped for. Moses "endured, as seeing Him Who is
invisible".  What therefore are we to understand by the words "substance" and
In preparation for this, we covered a fairly wide circle in the examination of this word
"substance" and its usage, but nothing revealed the intention of the apostle so well as the
way in which it is used in the LXX or Greek version of the Old Testament. Hupostasis,
the word translated "substance", is found in a number of passages in the Old Testament, a
few of them being given hereafter as illuminating Heb. 11: 1, "And now, Lord, what wait
I for? my (ground of) hope is in Thee" (Psa. 37: 7). Where the Hebrew had the
simple word "hope", the LXX had "My hupostasis (or ground of hope) is in Thee". "I
sink in deep mire where there is no standing" (Psa. 69: 2). In the next reference it is
difficult to avoid a lengthy explanation if a literal rendering, together with the LXX
parallels, is demanded. It so happens that in the A.V. the two adjoining verses contain
the word "substance" as a rendering of other words. We think, however, that sufficient
for our purpose will be provided by ignoring the surrounding difficulties, and lifting out
the word translated by hupostasis. Spurrell's translation avoids some of the pitfalls.
"My own person was not concealed from Thee, when I was formed in a secret
manner; curiously wrought in the lower bowels of the earth. Thine eyes beheld me in
embryo; and my members, each one of them was recorded in the book" (Psa. 139: 15,
16--Spurrell's Version).
"My bones which Thou hast made in secret were not hidden from Thee, nor my
SUBSTANCE, in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes saw my unwrought
(substance)" (LXX translation).