The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 41 of 243
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pure white light is made up of the three primary colours, red, yellow, and blue, and these
mingling form the secondaries, orange, green, and violet. For reasons the explanation of
which lies outside the scope of this book, the actual spectrum or rainbow is found to
contain bands of seven colours, always in the following order: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and violet.
All colour in nature is dependent upon the fact that sunlight contains in itself the
whole range of colour that exists. The red rose is called red because the petals have the
power of absorbing the blue and the yellow rays of light, and throwing back to our eye
the red. A leaf is green because it lays hold upon the red rays and throws back the blue
and the yellow. A white chalk cliff throws back all the rays, while a black felt hat retains
all the rays. Hence, a white dress is cooler than a black one as the light and heat rays are
in measure treated alike. Now it is not our intention to attempt to give a discourse upon
the spectrum, wonderful though that may be, but to use the spectrum as an illustration of
the place of Heb. 11:
The pure white light of the sun, as representing perfect light, composed of the perfect
number of colours, will represent Christ, as set forth in Heb. 12: 2.  Heb. 11: will then
represent the prism of glass which has the power of splitting up the perfect light of the
sun, and so will split up the perfect faith of Christ, and focus a ray of each colour, as it
were, upon one or more examples, enabling us to see the better the sevenfold splendour
of the perfection of faith in Christ, after having seen the seven aspects of it separately in
the lives of others.
Before we go further we must make certain that there are these sets of "sevens",
and so taking nothing for granted we begin to count, (1) Abel, (2) Enoch, (3) Noah,
(4) Abraham, (5) Isaac, (6) Jacob, and (7) Sarah. Here the record comes to an end
for a time, while verses 12-16 speak of the pilgrim character of faith. It will be observed
that a woman ends the series. We commence counting again in verse 17, (1) Abraham,
(2) Isaac, (3) Jacob, (4) Joseph, (5) Moses, (6) Israel, and (7) Rahab. We have
another set of seven, again ending with a woman. In verse 32 the apostle says that time
would fail to tell of all that could be brought forward, but nevertheless the apparently
haphazard list that is assembled in this verse still presents the spectrum, (1) Gideon,
(2) Barak, (3) Samson, (4) Jephthae, (5) David, (6) Samuel, and (7) the prophets.
The seven-fold division of Heb. 11: being an established fact, we can now proceed to
a further examination. How are these lists related to each other? It seems to be a
Scriptural principle that truth is confirmed by two or more witnesses. Believing this to be
the case, we approached the double list of names that are mentioned in detail, and found
that they were arranged in pairs. For example, Abel and Enoch are both connected with
"He being dead yet speaketh" (verse 4).
"Enoch was translated that he should not see death" (verse 5).
The next pair, Noah and Abraham, are related to an inheritance: