The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 37 of 243
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"Having therefore boldness . . .
Let us draw near
High Priest"
Let us hold fast
Let us consider one another (10: 19-24).
"Seeing we are encompassed"
Let us lay aside
Let us run with patience (12: 1, 2).
"Wherefore we receiving
Let us have grace
a kingdom"
Let brotherly love continue (12: 28 - 13: 1).
"Wherefore Jesus suffered
Let us go forth therefore
without the gate"
Unto Him without the camp (13: 12, 13).
Here are four groups of teaching which space out the remainder of the epistle, and
each group manifests the same feature. The strongest preventative against "drawing
back" is evidently to "draw near", and we have every reason to draw near seeing that we
"have therefore" boldness of access, and a great High Priest.
The new and living way.
The old typical way into the holiest is not the way that one must pass who desires to
go on unto perfection.
"The way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first
tabernacle was yet standing: which was a figure for the time then present, in which were
offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service PERFECT,
as pertaining to the conscience" (Heb. 9: 8, 9).
In place of the old and typical way stands the new and living way, "newly slain", as
the word prosphatos means etymologically, although we cannot discover any example of
its usage that will warrant the doctrine that appears to lie in this suggestive word. The
second element evidently became superfluous in New Testament times. This new and
living way has been consecrated, or dedicated, for us.  Heb. 9: 18, using the word,
reads, "Neither was the first covenant dedicated without blood".  Consecration or
dedication here includes the idea of something "new" or as we might say "initiation".
Consecration in Heb. 7: 28 has the entirely opposite thought of attaining an "end".
Heb. 7: 28
To perfect, bring to full end.
Heb. 10: 20
To initiate, bring in new.
Here is the introduction of something new in its consecration, new in its constitution, a
new way, newly dedicated.
Reconciliation by Incarnation?
The way into the holiest of all is "through the veil, that is to say His flesh". The
connection between the Incarnation and reconciliation is a theme that attracts many
believers and teachers. The fact that Christ became man, and, as they express it, brought
His Godhead down to our humanity that He might lift our humanity up to God, is not the