The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 243 of 259
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Most teachers have found Peter's words in II Pet. 3: of great service in visualizing
the great unfolding of this purpose, and to this we first of all address ourselves. In the
volume entitled Dispensational Truth the reader will find set out in structural form, the
Purpose of the Ages, beginning with Gen. 1:, ending with I Cor. 15: 28 and revealing
the dispensation of the Mystery as central. We will not reproduce the whole outline, the
following abridged extract is all that will be needed.
The Purpose of the Ages.
"IN THE BEGINNING, GOD . . . . ." (Gen. 1: 1).
A | The Beginning. Before age-times. |
a | Christ.
b | Satan.
c | The Overthrow (Gen. 1: 2).
B | THE AGES BEGIN. Paradise Lost. |
Earth (Gen. 1: 2 - 3: 15).
B | THE CONSUMMATION OF THE AGES. Paradise Restored. |
True Heir.
A | The End (I Cor. 15: 24). The purpose of the ages finished. |
a | Christ.
b | The Church.
c | Reconciliation of all things.
"GOD ALL IN ALL" (I Cor. 15: 28).
It is clear from this extract that we believe that the ages began with the present
creation. The question of what we believe however is of minor importance, the supreme
question is What saith the Scriptures? As pioneers in the sphere of Dispensational Truth,
the Mystery and related subjects, we must be the first to admit to repeated necessity of
revision, and the present seems an opportune moment to give this and related matters a
somewhat fuller examination than has hitherto been possible.
The moment we attempt to place the age-times, the question of the three creations of
Scripture presses for fuller consideration, for unless we entertain Scriptural views
concerning these three great acts of creation, all contention as to `before' and `since' any
one of them will necessarily be futile.
A very superficial reading of Scripture will convince the student that there are
revealed three great creative movements--one past, one present and one future.