The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 240 of 259
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"It is assumed that the continental blocks with a thickness of about 100km. swim in a
magma out of which they only project about 5km."
Note the words `swim in a magma'. A magma is a crude mixture of mineral or
organic matter in a thin paste, a confection. How did Job, Isaiah and the Psalmist know
that the dry land `swam in a magma' apart from revelation? And how the so-called `man
in the street' would scoff at such an idea today as unscientific!
"The floors of the ocean, form the surface of the next layer of the body of the earth
which is also assumed to exist under the continental blocks."
"The rotation of the entire crust of the earth--but whose parts however did not alter
their relative positions--has already been assumed by many authors, as Sir John Evans,
Loffelholz von Colberg, Kreichgauer and others."
After several pages of complicated mathematics, Wegener continues:
"From this it must be concluded that there are already undisturbed levels, and from
this the step seems inevitable, that in the continents and the floors of the ocean we have
two different layers of the body of the earth, which expressed in a somewhat exaggerated
form, act as water does between great sheets of ice."
Gen. 1: 9, 10 draws attention to the fact that `God called the dry land earth' and that it
`appeared' when the waters were gathered together which He called `seas', which fact is
often expanded by the references already given from Psa. 136: 6; Isa. 42: 5 and
Psa. 24: 2.
Speaking of the phenomenon, the movement of the magnetic poles, Wegener says, "In
the matter of the displacement of the pole relative to the intercover of the earth we need a
viscous earth. Laplace has shown that the axes in a rigid earth cannot be displaced".
Viscous means, in physics, imperfectly fluid; adhesively soft.
A Further testimony is reported by Reuter 22/6/48.  Dr. F. W. Whitehouse,
Queensland University lecturer in geology told a meeting in Brisbane that from
calculations made in the U.S. it had been estimated that the sea level was rising about
four inches a century on a world-wide average. Four inches per century, means that at
the time of Christ, nineteen hundred years ago, the level of the land was 6 ft. 4 ins. higher
than it was today, and that if the sinkage continues, it will not be long before some lands
will be endangered and disappear. Everything points to a not far distant future when this
exhausted earth will have reached its foreknown limits, and be ready for the great purging
and the still greater renewal. Such is the testimony of modern science to the veracity and
to the inspiration of the Scriptures, and to statements of Scripture which some years ago
would have been held up to ridicule by the `science of the day'. This earth, the habitable
world (Psa. 24: 1, Heb. tebel, Greek oikoumene), this earth over which the heaven
stretches like the curtains of the Tabernacle and whose sockets, like the silver sockets of
the Tabernacle speak of redemptive purpose, this, `the dry land' of Gen. 1: 10 is
associated with `fullness' as we have already seen, and with the glory of God as we must
now consider.