The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 220 of 259
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and to remember of the passage quoted and the whole purpose of the chapter is to provide
the answer. We must now return to the beginning of this epistle and see how and with
what terms these comparisons with angels are introduced. Over against the revelation
given in times past through the instrumentality of the prophets, the Apostle places the
immeasureable superiority of the ministry of the Son. In chapter 3: Christ as the Son is
set over against Moses the servant (3: 6) and Jesus the Son of God is set forth as the
great High Priest Who has `passed through the heavens' (4: 14), and as the Son, He is
consecrated for evermore (7: 28).
We have already learned that angels are called `sons of God', and consequently it may
appear at first reading that the language of the Apostle is a little forced, but we are
dealing with the inspired Scriptures and know before we go any further that no such
conclusion is possible. The contrast between angels and the Saviour is not so much
between One who is a Son and those who are not, but a contrast between those who are
sons by creation, and the One Who is called "The only-begotten Son", for Heb. 1: 5 not
only says "Unto which of the angles said He at any time, `Thou art My Son', but `Thou
art My Son; this day have I BEGOTTEN Thee'."
We must therefore pursue this subject further. Christ is called `The only-begotten
Son' four times in John's Gospel (John 1: 14, 18; 3: 16, 18), and once in the first epistle
(I John 4: 9). When reading these passages we are not conscious of any problem as we
read of the Saviour as the only begotten Son--but the moment we add the final reference
to this term, a problem presents itself.
"By faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac; and he that had received the
promises offered up his only begotten son" (Heb. 11: 17). Now it is a matter of common
knowledge that Abraham was the father, not only of Isaac, but of Ishmael (Gen. 16: 15)
and of other children by Keturah (Gen. 25: 1). Unless therefore some factor is implied
though unexpressed, Heb. 11: 17 presents a difficulty. As we discovered, so we find
words employed in the context of Heb. 11: 17 that enable us to perceive something yet
more wonderful in the title of the Lord. Abraham is spoken of as `he that had received
the promise', and of the son whom he offered it had been said `That in Isaac shall thy
seed be called' (Heb. 11: 17, 18). Ishmael was as truly begotten by Abraham as was
Isaac, but Ishmael is called `the son of a bondwoman' but Sarah herself as well as
Abraham was given a promise by the Lord:
"Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered
of a child when she was past age because she judged Him faithful Who had promised"
(Heb. 11: 11).
Sarah too was peculiarly distinguished by the changing of her name, even as was
Abraham (Gen. 17: 5, 14, 16). It is moreover written that the Lord `visited Sarah as He
had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as He had spoke' (Gen. 21: 1). Sarah was in the
blessed line of the true seed, and so carried the promise of Eden forward towards its goal.